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Franklin Lundak International Button Accordion System


Dec 17, 2023
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Myrtle Beach SC
Franklin Lundak was a well know tuner on pianos and accordions. He hand built 5 Button accordions. One 5 row and four 4 row. He also was known for tuning pianos for Liberace, accordions for Myron Floren. He was an avid button accordion player with a band from Traer IA. He passed away in 2010.
I was very fortunate to talk to him regarding his Button Accordion music method. I may have been the last person to have a chance to buy all his books and cassette tapes.
These books and tapes are by far the best instructional method tapes and system you can find anywhere. Other methods of this detail do not exist. I have Marge Fords, and Jevsevar books and tapes. They and no where as complete and detailed as Lundak's. He also has arranged 250 ethnic songs, German, Czech, Polish in easy to understand using his method. He was an amazing person... a genius in my book. Here are copies of some of the music he has transcribed and two pages of the first book. There are six books. If you are a beginner and interested in playing the BB these are a must. His books were written for a GCFB..... the first book is used for a 1, 2 or 3 row...... as he said, a 4 row would be helpful to continue on with the other books.. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PRACTICE AND PLAY ALONG WITH HIS TAPES. tHEY DUPLICATE WHAT IS WRITTEN. hE TALKS A BEGINNER THRU THE LESSONS.


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Thanks for this interesting history!
Probably worth stating that when you say "button accordion", you mean diatonic accordion of the Styrian harmonica variant (at least I don't know of other diatonics available in 4-row and 5-row versions).
It isn't often you see anyone teaching steirische Harmonika with the actual sounding notes printed, rather than using Griffschrift. I think it might be better musically if it was more common, even if it's more work to learn up front.
Yes.... his method(for the diatonic accordion ) is with the standing notes.. I've been in touch with his daughter regarding cd's he made, duplicate of the tapes. Anyone interested in playing the German, Czech or Slovak music and has never played should contact his daughter Diane. You can start on a one row, G. Then graduate to a two three or four row. There are many good used GCFB diatonics out there.... make sure it has been tuned and in good shape.. It's very costly to get an accordion repaired and tuned... The Czech's make an accordion without the Glichs or standing notes. Made by Delecia under the Hlavacek name.
Does his teaching involve a standard layout or the diatonic system that has gleichtons (standing notes)?
I see you have a 3 row Hlavacek... My first starter accordion was a Hlavacek one row out of tune all I played was Czech songs.... they have some super melodies.. and quite easy to play.. .....and I see you are in Nebraska..............a lot of Czechs there . Lundak lived in Traer, Iowa. Your three row would be a good starter accordion..... the only diff is you do not have the standing notes, but you can have that changed .... the first row doesn't have the standing note only the 2nd and third.
I would be very interested in learning more about these resources but as you have figured out, my accordion does not have the standing notes. When we bought my accordion we decided to keep the standard layout without standing notes because it is the more common style in Nebraska. I mainly decided to do this to possibly receive help locally which I succeeded in by reaching out to polka band members and extended family members. I think I would like to keep my layout the same as that is how I have started learning even though I understand there are far more online resources for the Slovenian layout. I could be wrong, but I think any help I can get in person will outweigh any online resources based purely on my preference for learning in person.
Along with the purchase of my accordion, I believe I got the first book and CD of the Jevsevar set. It made me wonder, is there any way to specifically account for the standing notes while using the standard layout? Suppose I had an exact chart showing every note on my accordion and layout including standing notes. Couldn't I technically be able to play the songs but substitute a standing note with another note located elsewhere on the right hand? I confused myself writing that so I hope it makes sense😅.
I think you have a 3 row....... what is the key(root note) of the first row?... you have the Jevesvar book..... in the back are the layouts of all the keyboards, there are 3row and four row layouts. Tell me the first row root key. I would guess it's a "G" or"C". The Czechs usually used GCF on a 3row.
How do you tell the root key? Usually it starts with the third button,,,, may start with the fourth. Play the scale going in and out with the first row. Play each button starting with the third button going in.... G in A out B in C out D in E out Fin Gout.......until you play the scale. On the second row you would need to change the " "G" on the out to the "A" located on the first row. Play the second row starting with the root which would be a "G" the next note "A" would be on the first row seventh button. Jevesvar uses stand alone or Glitch notes. So in playing his music you would not have to change fingering..... My advice , if you are going to play that accordion...... play his first song in the book "Give back my Heart" only on the first row. There are no Glitch notes.. You with be going in and out with the bellows. The only other ways are is to have the two notes changed on the 2nd and third rows to conform to the music. Or, buy and accordion with the Glitch notes. I know what you are going through, I've been there. Don't give up. the Diatonic accordions are a lot of fun. Especially the German, Austrian, and Czech, with the deep Heligon Bass
Mine is actually BbEbAb.
Look in the Jevesvar book page 48.. layout of your box BEA .. all I can say is practice, practice practice.!!! Every day . Get to play by ear... you will know what buttons to press to get the sound.... keep moving around the keyboard.... try to use your forth and fifth finger as much as possible Good luck
Would there be any differences between the BEA layout in the book vs a BbEbAb layout?
keep moving around the keyboard.... try to use your forth and fifth finger as much as possible
I tend to just use 3 fingers currently. It feels uncomfortable to use all, is that normal at the start?
I have a 4 row GCFB and use griffschrift but also like to play some simple tunes from the standard sheet music.
How would the Lundak method show a tune like Give back my heart _ Jevsevar book which covers all three rows ?
Is there a chance the Lundak books could be re-issued in a digital scanned format ?
Would there be any differences between the BEA layout in the book vs a BbEbAb layout?

I tend to just use 3 fingers currently. It feels uncomfortable to use all, is that normal at the start?
Three fingers is good if you are playing the correct chords....you just can't press any three keys to get the correct a chord. Jevesvar's book lesson 6 give you some chord patterns. Use a regimented method to practice.. Try to complete the lesson to your satisfaction When I started playing there was only one guy playing the BB. I eventually picked up the Lundak books, practiced every day before I went to work.... I then started a 5 man BB group, became a choir director of our Czech Club and started several girls in a group to play. To me the Lundalk Method is the best for a beginner to teach himself to play. It starts with basics. If one never seen a sheet of music, knew nothing about music theory, how the bass fits in with the melody, how to fit in and 1/8 note to a measure, Lundak explains it all.. The 6 books with the CD's and the 300 sheets of BB music he developed was a challenge for him to publish. He passed away in 2010.
BEA is the same as BbAbEb....... easy to use BEA
I have a 4 row GCFB and use griffschrift but also like to play some simple tunes from the standard sheet music.
How would the Lundak method show a tune like Give back my heart _ Jevsevar book which covers all three rows ?
Is there a chance the Lundak books could be re-issued in a digital scanned format ?