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Beginners' resources & FAQs


Prolific poster
May 1, 2013
Reaction score
Reigate, Surrey, UK
This is a thread for newcomers to this forum but especially for those who are new to the accordion! I'm inviting the experienced players to post information and links that will be of use. No discussion or comments, please - they will be removed!
Wikipedia Stradella System Info.


The Mighty Accordion. LH only. Method or reference, no scales, beginners to advanced. 4:3 fingering. With 2 CD’s.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Mighty-Acco ... 0786660570

Foundations of Pianoforte Technique. Geoffrey Tankard. Pub Novello.

For the Piano, but very useful RH exercises in different keys, (unlike the Hanon), and some of the LH is do able on the Stradella. Quite a few very useful exercises in thirds for that continental sound.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Foundations-Pia ... +technique
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This may be heresy but I've found Piano for Dummies to have useful exercises for both Right and Left hand on CBA - cheap too
for those unable to or not wishing to have formal lessons I recommend mel bays ''you can teach yourself accordion'' starts right at the beginning, includes a CD . covers basic theory but not too much and has a nice range of tunes particularly for those wanting to play a range of ''jolly tunes'' rather than following the classical exams and grades route.

tunes include a bit of everything eg ode to joy, brahms lullaby, jambaaya, two stepping 'cross texas, riskc reel, pretty fair maid jig, lake Charles waltz (Cajun), Chinatown, wahington and lee swing, british grenadiers, melancholy baby, amazing grae etc etc etc.


You need to install java if you do not have it ....

Which is available here ..http://www.java.com/getjava/

..it is a simple little program that allows little applications such as the Chord Bass Tool to run.........

[Edit: by Glenn]
Also refer to the printed sheet music thread

Hans Palm Accordion Page. Lots of info for PA and CBA.


Wikipedia Stradella System Info.


Luigi o. Anzaghi. Complete Method for Accordion . Pub Ricordi


The Mighty Accordion. LH only. Method or reference, no scales, beginners to advanced. 4:3 fingering. With 2 CD’s.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Mighty-Acco ... 0786660570

Foundations of Pianoforte Technique. Geoffrey Tankard. Pub Novello.

For the Piano, but very useful RH exercises in different keys, (unlike the Hanon), and some of the LH is do able on the Stradella. Quite a few very useful exercises in thirds for that continental sound.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Foundations-Pia ... +technique
For starters who are trying to play the Chromatic Button accordion I recently completed a free video course.
The free video course consists of 25 tunes that you can learn to play.
You can find the course on: http://www.knopaccordeon.com
Thanks for your positive comment.
Translating is a lot of work and I need my son to correct me.

The first 9 tunes are already subtitled, Iam working on the rest.
Click on the top in the right for "Click here for the English version"

I forgot to tell that the course is for a B grif model
The only thing I don't see listed on page 1 or 2 is what some good beginner boxes would be for both chromatic and diatonic.

and what prices would be normal/too expensive/ or a steal for both.
I find this fellows short demonstration to be pretty direct and informative.

He has kind of cemented this notion I have that the chromatic keyboard is the way to go. Also interesting is that he seems to favor the B system over the C layout. I very much appreciate the major, minor, and 7th chord construction the way he has shown it.

I believe his choice of B was more an accident than anything else.
Often people seem to choose based on available teachers/learning materials except if in a country with a particular tradition of playing.
I second the appreciation of DLL's videos - he's a real enthusiast who likes to try new stuff and to pass it on to others - sort of compulsive teacher.
Hi Guys - I have just had a Hohner Student IV 40 Bass delivered and I am looking fwd to learning some cool tunes on it. The only thing that puzzles me at the monent is that the bass buttons have a single button near the top which I seem to have to press before I can pull or push the bellows. Is this normal as I have been watching players on youtube that seem to have their thumb waving free? Any help appreciated... great forum BTW
I think you will find that the button is for purging the bellows.