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a mano reeds

  1. L

    Brandoni - what model is it?

    Hi All, This is my first thread post but have been reading for a while. I recently came across one brandoni 41/120, 3 voice LMM accordion (photos attached). It has the classic grill and serial number 133, but clearly not the currently on-sale 133C. It seems a discontinued model so I wonder if...
  2. D

    Hohner morino 5555s ? convertor ? free bas in cassotto ?

    Hi! I have a Hohner Morino, but I don't know which model 5555, 5555s or ?? , because it has free bas. Is it one of the free bas pioneers? Does anyone know more about this model? Will it be the first accordions with convertor? .. and with free bas in cassotto ?