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  1. Snoopz

    Merits of learning scales on CBA

    As noted elsewhere, I started learning CBA on my own. I dutifully started playing my scales as suggested in many books and websites. But an interesting question popped up: If I only ever learn the scales in simple up-and-down-style, as suggested in most resources, will any of it ever translate...
  2. E

    CBA - different size white, black buttons?

    Take a look at https://www.accordiongallery.com/borsini-c-chromatic.htm, especially the fifth image (https://www.accordiongallery.com/borsini-c-chromatic-05.jpg). The white buttons seem much larger than the black ones. Is this just an optical illusion, or real? And if real, can anyone speak...
  3. D

    Anyone playing the Atzarin?

    Hello, Folks. I have borrowed from my kind and generous friend his Atzarin. Yup. That of the strange layout. Buttons, looks like a CBA, but plays bisonorically, yet chromatically. Needs two fingering patterns, mostly, to play in about 8 keys, including the ones I'd likely need. Heavy...
  4. cestjeffici

    Is this a B-grief or C-griffe?

    I just bought this beautiful accordina from Laurent Jarry in Paris. I have spent the last hour or so trying to determine the button type C or B. This is what the buttons play: It was a fun visite to Le boite d’accodéons. Laurent played a tune on it and I fell in love with the sound. He...
  5. Volodymyr

    Best Italian brands for high-end CBA converter (bayan)

    Hi, What Italian brands and why would you suggest considering before buying a high-end CBA converter (bayan) with the below requirements It must be a converter Both hands must be a B griff High quality sound (possibly hand-made reeds) Pleasant and durable keyboard mechanics Reliable and robust...
  6. H

    CBA Treble Buttons - How to Lower the Tension?

    Hi all, The treble buttons on my CBA are a bit hard to press down. I have to really slam them down to make sure I'm hitting the notes in faster runs. I'm assuming this is controlled by spring tension? Does anyone have experience with making the buttons easier to press, and is it something I...
  7. vivdunstan

    Long-term piano accordionist newly learning CBA - experiences?

    I‘m very tempted to get an extremely compact 4-row C CBA - I have my eyes on one particular model. But I’m curious to hear from other experienced piano accordionists re how you found picking up the fingering. Was it a challenge? Did it take an awful lot of practice? How are you getting on? Are...
  8. CC_PDX

    Andy Cutting - "To the Edges" (my attempt to bend the laws of physics)

    Andy is such an amazing musician. I've only seen informal clips of him playing this tune posted by others (and no one is credited as the writer so I assume it is one of his originals). He plays it on a biggish 2.5 row diatonic, which is still easily 6-7 lbs lighter than my CBA. I knew the...
  9. CC_PDX

    In Continental Mood (by Andy Cutting)

    I've been focusing a lot on my bellows work particularly on quieter solo tunes. Here is one I recorded the other night (instead of working on my taxes). This composition is usually played on a Diatonic, but I also like some of the possibilities the CBA gives you.
  10. Johnny

    Jazz improv outlines - CBA fingering worksheet

    As I learn CBA, I've been trying to work in ideas and exercises from Bert Ligon's excellent book, Connecting Chords with Linear Harmony (1996). One of Ligon's recommendations is to practice three common jazz ii-V-I outlines in all keys. I made a little worksheet with row-based CBA fingering...
  11. Johnny

    Row-based CBA (C-system) fingering 'cheat sheet' for scales - comparing different tutors/method books

    Hi all, I've put together a little CBA (C-system/C-griff) scales 'cheat sheet' for myself (since I'm kinda lazy). I thought it might be helpful to other CBA beginners out there... I've organized the treble button board fingerings for major/minor scales by button row (#1, 2, 3) and method...