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identify accordion

  1. H

    Hohner estate sale find

    Can anyone please help identify? Honestly trying to decide whether to sell and buy a newer one or keep this one. For it's presumed age it looks and sounds pretty good
  2. J

    A newbie with a wonderful older Hohner, any ideas on model/age?

    I have two accordions that were passed down to me. This Hohner in particular is in very good shape. From what I understand it may be pre-student? Any light shed on this is much appreciated. Thanks!
  3. W

    Iorio Concert Accorgan model?

    So I'd like to preface this by saying I am completely brand new to the world of accordians, as of yesterday, when I found this absolute BEAUTY on the sidewalk. I am still completely stunned by the fact that I found it abandoned. The case was pretty banged up, and I didn't assume anything was...
  4. L

    Silvio soprani 8511

    Girlfriend acquired this accordion from a thrift shop awhile ago. We can’t seem to find anything online about the particular model so I was wondering if anyone here more experienced in accordions has any idea of it’s value and where we could find more information on it? The only markings that...
  5. K

    Identifying a vintage box

    Hi all! Curious to know if any of you out there might know the origins or maker of the box in the photo. I received it from a friend, and it was originally owned by her uncle from Italy. I ha ent been able to locate other instruments with the same type of clasps to fasten the bellows and was...