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  1. regilaulja

    scandalli intense 37

    hello, is it possible to achieve sound similar to these youtube videos with a new scandalli intense 37 LMMH, dry, 440Hz (walnut finish, if that is important)? https://scandalli.com/scandalli-intense-37/ on the video: bugari 260/chc/c convertor model, LMMM, dry, 440Hz thank you!
  2. T

    New Player With Questions

    Recently aquired a large piano accordion and have started to teach myself with a book. I play other instruments like piano and can read muisic and so it has been pretty straight forward for the first steps. I want to ask what I suspect are very basic questions. 1) I'm trying to figure out the...
  3. mhseeger73

    Hello from Colorado, USA

    Hello from Colorado, USA! I have magnificently decided that the accordion will be a wonderful instrument for me to learn, and so, here I am! I have an Etude Bayan (From the harmony musical workshop people) and I am looking forward to learning how to play it!
  4. Tom N

    Hello from Minnesota

    I’m Tom, a new member. I’ve picked up my old piano accordion for fun and occasionally to use in small performances. I am enjoying exploration of this instrument with its rich history and musical styles. I like Slovenian and Tex-Mex styles a lot. I’m just getting a toehold in the classical...
  5. M

    New and happy to be here

    Hi everyone! I have been exploring this forum for a couple of weeks now and wanted to both say thank you for the incredible depth of knowledge people so happily and kindly share, and also say hello and briefly introduce myself. I started out as a classically-trained pianist and clarinettist...
  6. S

    Need help first time buyer of keyboard accordions

    Hello there, I am looking for some advice on what to look for when buying a keyboard accordion. I have heard good and bad things about Hohner, so I'm unsure of them. I'm not looking to spend over £900, maybe that's unrealistic I'm not sure. I'm looking for something that will last me while...
  7. floppydiskette

    Hi! I'm new here. A few questions and something to show...

    Hey! I'm new here. Really glad to see an active accordion forum. I've been into the accordion for a long time. I picked one up like 10 years ago but haven't touched it much for the past several years so I've forgotten most of what I know. On the piano accordion, I liked playing folk...
  8. M

    Costa Blanca, Spain

    Have just purchased my first piano accordian. I already play several instruments, and quite successfully, till the pandemic came along. So now I have a used Hohner Verdi II with 37/96 keys/buttons, to help keep me busy. It was inexpensive and doesn't seem to have any grave problems. I like the...