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piano accodion

  1. K

    Please help identify Model Make and Cost

    I have this preserved in my basement over 50 years. Its time to sell it. I cant find it online through google lens or searches. The only thing i noticed, is a light carve on the back "Made in Italy". Please help! thanks in advance!
  2. T

    Bugari Bayan Spectrum

    Hello my Friends, I'm very confused about the Bugari Bayan Spectrum because there are models with 47 keys and those with 45 keys (piano accordion), both from official Bugari websites (bugari.de and bugariarmano.com) I'm also wondering what the differences are between the Spectrums with 16"16"8"...
  3. Jaime_Dergut

    About Titano and Giuletti accordions

    Hello everybody, Some days ago, I found a couple of accordions that could be of interest for me, and I wanted to know the opinion from the community about them and their price: First, I found this Titano Virtuoso: Full size, 4/5 hand made reeds, 19.25' keyboard come with case. The owner is...
  4. floppydiskette

    Hi! I'm new here. A few questions and something to show...

    Hey! I'm new here. Really glad to see an active accordion forum. I've been into the accordion for a long time. I picked one up like 10 years ago but haven't touched it much for the past several years so I've forgotten most of what I know. On the piano accordion, I liked playing folk...
  5. W

    Which is harder to play?

    Is a piano accordion easier to play than a button accordion? I could imagine that a button accordion would be easier to play than a piano accordion, because on the piano accordion my fingers don’t want to go to the next note.