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    Old accordion smell

    The Josef Hlavaček Heligonka I inherited from my great grandma has a couple issues with it including a old/musty smell. At some point I would like to attempt at partially restoring it. It would need a lot of internal work, probably new bellows, new reed leathers so it wouldn't be cheap at all. I...
  2. N

    Vintage Super Scandalli restoration sort-of-a-blog

    Hi to you all! A quick backstory: after almost 15 years of my adventures in concertina world, learning both how to play on them (on and off, so way, way less in terms of actual play practice), and how to build them (I made a 66b Hayden duet for myself - naive I thought it would be cheaper and...
  3. S

    Spares for Hohner Carmen II

    Hi I’ve just bought one of these but it arrived in pieces! I am completely new to this intriguing instrument so do not know the names of the bits inside so apologies. Please see photo. I can work out where the big bit goes but it looks like I need a lot of little leather bits. Some have fallen...