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  1. Airy

    cheap vs expensive vs Roland FR-8x

    3 accoustic and 1 digital accordion side by side comparison. Enjoy! (BTW: and good bellows shake)
  2. P

    read and edit .ST3 files

    Hey everyone! I’m looking for some advice on how to dig into the ST3 files for my Roland FR-1x Accordion. I’d love to move beyond the standard accordion tones and try to create some experimental sounds—think deep bass or electric guitar vibes. I’ve been using the official Set Editor, but it...
  3. NewtoReeds

    Mulling over a trade in...

    Hey folks, friends, and fellow fisarmonicisti, I have spent a little time with the Ciao Reedless MIDI accordion I have previously posted about and have come to the conclusion that for my purposes, it is wanting. I find myself, as well as my kids tripping over cables, and changing sounds still...
  4. K

    FR1 polyphony problems

    I'm having trouble with my FR1 (the older model) to my PC. I connect through a usb-to-midi cable, and it recognizes midi messages. The problem is, it doesn't send more than 1 note. In other words, it's impossible to play chords - when you try to press a 2nd note, the "note on" signal is never...
  5. N

    Are Nijkamp premium sound set for Roland accordion worth it

    Hello Everyone, I own a Roland Fr8x B. I really don't use it as a full orchestra, but just as a numeric accordion. I am very glad to change the sound of the accordion and I am very sensitive to the different sounds of accordions. I do not really have time to program it. I would like to know if...
  6. G

    Thoughts & Experiences About the Roland FR-1v

    Does anyone have any reviews of, thoughts on, experiences with the Roland FR-1v? How is this one as far as digital accordions go? Recommend? Not recommend? Insights to share? https://www.roland.com/us/products/fr-1/ Ryan
  7. S

    Roland FR1x Bellow Problems, Uneven Pull to Push Ratio

    Hey everyone, I just got a fr1x and everything felt way off between pulling and pushing in order to achieve an even volume. I was pulling about a 7 out of 10 and pushing at about 3 to achieve even volumes. This weird dynamic makes changing directions very unnatural. Fixed the bellow curve from...
  8. D

    Free bass on V-accordion

    I share the goal expressed by others on the forum to present the accordion as a modern instrument, not limited to oom-pah styles. Since purchasing my Roland FR-1x, I have been working on a piece by Faltermeyer to explore some areas that were previously out of my reach. In particular, the...