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stradella layouts

  1. O

    Chromatic Button Accordion web app that can be played using a computer keyboard

    I have created a web application that allows you to play a chromatic button accordion using your computer keyboard. https://okathira-dev.github.io/client-web-api-sandbox/button-accordion-with-keyboard/index.html Note: Currently, the application's interface is available only in Japanese. source...
  2. Jaime_Dergut

    Harmonic logic of the stradella system design

    Hello there, I'm excited today because I came to a realization after playing one of my accordions in the streets. When I was fooling around with the chords on the treble side, and suddenly I had the idea of alternating bass on C, cm, G and doing the same thing on the treble side. I quickly...
  3. Lucio76

    New Stradella Bass Charts

    Hi, I would like to share with you my new Stradella bass charts. I've designed a diagram in mirror view for each size, from 8 to 120 bass accordion. I have also added a list of all available and unavailable chords on each layout, beginners might be surprised to find that a 12 bass accordion can...