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  1. Q

    Harmonik 501 plus and Titano Combo ‘cordion

    Hi all First post, please forgive me if I’m in the wrong thread… I am in Calgary Alberta Canada and have a venerable Titano combo cordion - the brightly coloured ones with the quint stop- and recently, likely an exchange rate thing, picked up this mic from Brazil for a decent price. How we...
  2. Rafael

    Petosa vs Titano

    Which of these accordions would you prefer, they both have the same price: Petosa SM 300 or Titano Standard
  3. Jaime_Dergut

    About Titano and Giuletti accordions

    Hello everybody, Some days ago, I found a couple of accordions that could be of interest for me, and I wanted to know the opinion from the community about them and their price: First, I found this Titano Virtuoso: Full size, 4/5 hand made reeds, 19.25' keyboard come with case. The owner is...
  4. Jaime_Dergut

    Petosa accordions, over priced?

    Hello everybody, I was wondering something, what are your thoughts about Petosa accordions and their current prices? To give you some context, I own a Petosa accordion, a student model, and I called Joe Petosa a couple of weeks ago at his shop to clarify some questions. At the end, he...
  5. W

    Changing marked bass buttons

    I have a Titano Royal with the B and Db bass buttons marked. I would like to change it so that the E and Ab buttons are marked. Is this a simple process? Do the buttons pull off? I’m always hesitant to start messing with things for fear of introducing a bigger problem. i’m wondering if this...
  6. J

    Titano Help

    I was gifted this beautiful Titano Accordion, I took it to our Local Music Shop and didn't have much success in identifying it. It appears to be early to late 60's but I can't find a model number or any further info. The staff at the music shop say it sounds right and is fully functional and in...
  7. W

    Which accordion i should buy?

    I noticed two accordions that looked good. Both are button accordions. Which accordion i should buy? Both are 550€ (653$) And what models they are?