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  1. jakubko123

    App or tuning device?

    Hi everyone! In the future, I want to become a professional accordion repairer. I have been repairing accordions for four years now, so I decided to sign up for the Accordion Craft Academy course. I would like to ask what exactly would be best for my situation if I want to do my job seriously...
  2. S

    Is this gap too big?

    Is this gap too big? I’m not sure I’ve got this bending thing under my belt yet! 😁
  3. S

    TUNING TABLE- Why soooo big. Show me yours!

    Hi All, i hope you are doing well! I happened to buy few accordions from a one person. He gave me for free tuning table. The tuning table looks soo big and bulky and not sure what to do with it. Do you guys know anything about it? I need tuning table but not this big. Do you think i should...
  4. E

    Roland (FR1x, probably all) Musette Detune values in cents?

    I'm using a Roland FR1xb as a starting point to help me eventually look for my "perfect";-) acoustic accordion. It has a "Musette Detune" setting with presets for "Dry", "American L", "Italian H", "Scottish", etc. - there are 15 possible values. Does anyone know what the values (in cents) of...
  5. P

    Pre-tuning of reeds?

    Dear forum, I like to teach myself how to repair accordions and hence have bought an old out of tune box only for the purpose of disassembling and assembling it back again. Currently I have removed all the reads and cleaned them. Now, before attaching new valves to them and waxing them back, I...