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A new Accordion Festival in Melbourne Australia

Good luck, wish I could go!
A quick update if anyone is curious. The festival was a great success; the 4 workshops, midday concert and evening concert were well attended, and the attitude shared by all attendees and facilitators was very positive, supportive and excited. We even had visitors from New Zealand and Scotland. Personally it was the first experience I've had, in 20 years of learning and playing the accordion, where I could experience and hear the accordion in its many different facets throughout the day (workshops, student performances, orchestra performances, and an award winning group featuring the accordion) and meet so many new people thanks to our shared love of the instrument.
We've uploaded some videos of the evening concert to YouTube, featuring our newly formed Victorian orchestra (ASAVO), a massed orchestra, and an amazing ARIA (Australian Recording Industry Association) winning group Zulya and The Children of The Underground.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/@accordionsaustralia/videos
Photos from the workshops and concerts will follow shortly on Instagram and Facebook.
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