Sorry to be Mr Negative here.
Don't know who came up with the "visual guide" chart, but it's completely misleading and missing whole families of squeezeboxes, like concertinas, bandoneons.
Riddled with factual errors. It's appalling.
Tula is a place in Russia, not a harmonika type;
Hromka is not bisonoric;
"Vyatka" does not have a chromatic scale. Have the authors ever held one of these in their hands? Typically there's about a dozen treble buttons and it covers 1.5 octaves. How can it possibly be chromatic?!
"Garmon" just means harmonika. A traditional bayan is, technically, a 3-row unisonoric chromatic "garmon" with Stradella bass, etc.
The picture for "Two-row chromatic accordion", whatever that phrase is supposed to mean, is a typical 2-row bisonoric meloden.
The picture under "Organetto" looks like the most vanilla 2-row modern melodeon, rather than the small 1.5 row boxes typically associated with this name. Of course, it Italy, afaik, "organetto" just means any melodeon.
It looks like something that was pulled together with a quick AI search, rather than written by somebody with any knowledge of squeezeboxes. I'm surprised that a "concertina purse" did not make it into the list.
Instrument classification is completely mixed up.
I can keep going on and on and on until the cows come home.
Perfect example of how The Internets can take a small amount of information and re-package it into something appallingly misleading. But hey, at least the website is pretty.
I'm sorry, but this should not be presented to anyone as some sort of a knowledge bank. God help any folks who read this to try and learn about accordions.