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AI organetto with portrait....


Been here for ages!
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May 1, 2013
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So, I don't know the history here, maybe one of our "bravi ragazzi" (good Italian guys or gals) friends will chime in.

The organetto is not that old, historically. But somewhere along the line, people started putting portraits on the the front side. Here is an example from the 1980s (and a beautiful one at that, imho):


Seems like I have seen examples in several categories including "pretty woman," "girlfriend, mother or other relative," "Madonna or saint."

Anyway yesterday, (when by rights I should have been practicing scales and arpeggios, sorry boss), I was creating some traditional Italian accordion players in AI. (I know, some of us have weird hobbies beyond playing the accordion or making maple syrup.)

When lo and behold, a portrait showed up, unbidden in my creation. (Actually 2 showed up.) I tried and tried but have not been able to get it again. So weird.

Anyway, it's another example of how the AI has improved, although hands are still a little dicey:

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The 2nd picture I don't know what level of AI was applied, but most photographers will say that excessive noise reduction and "beautification" were used as the face looks almost plastic and un-natural.

The gal is a cutie, though. :)
The 2nd picture I don't know what level of AI was applied, but most photographers will say that excessive noise reduction and "beautification" were used as the face looks almost plastic and un-natural.

The gal is a cutie, though. :)
Basic level, free software. It's true, this AI definitely drifts towards smoothness. If I were going towards finish quality, I would have to apply some "natural" filtering. Fun to experiment though!