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ALL FOR SALE... I am done.

I have bought ithem ALL!

Don't bother to look!, they are all gone.

I plan to tune them all to 445 to match my Scandalli. Thanks so much Jerry!
Ha Ha to both of you! I needed a good laugh and you provided it. But Jerry, I noticed that you have a very ornate cba in your collection. Do/did you ever play it?

:D. thanks everyone, I was hoping to stir up a few chuckles!

@Alan Sharkis - That is a fairly recent (Nov 2022), addition to the family. It originally belonged to my grandfather and it passed from him to his son (my uncle) when my grandfather passed away, and since no one plays accordion in his family, my uncle passed it to me along with the Paolo Soprani Italia. Story HERE.

Do I play it? Nope... not yet, but I will learn a few choice pieces on it in memory of my grandfather one day. :)
As I type this, a sheet with the CBA - B-griff layout is sitting on my desk in front of me.
It also requires some minor repairs and maybe a little tuning... that too is a coming project.
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Jerry, the stories about those two accordions are fascinating.Thanks for providing that link. There are ways to determine whether the cba is B-griff or C-griff, which Iā€™m sure you can reference.
Jerry, the stories about those two accordions are fascinating.Thanks for providing that link. There are ways to determine whether the cba is B-griff or C-griff, which Iā€™m sure you can reference.
Yes, and though I've not played it yet, I am pretty sure it is a B-griff. It would take me about 5 seconds of playing to be sure. Being my Free Bass is C-Griff, I am quite familiar with that layout, but in those days, in Europe, B-griff was the most popular.

I've futzed wit my cousin's B-griff acoustic/analog organ button accordion with the B-griff layout (another pass down from his father who is since departed), and it was quite the experience in that without a chart, I was unable to get a song out of it in the 2-3 minutes that I played with it. Oh well, I'll get it going and working once I start on it. :)