I've played classical music on piano for much in my life but haven't tried much of it on the box except the occasional Bach prelude, invention or Goldberg Variation.
This Fauré piece is not one I've ever played, but I have heard it enough to give it a go for this "by ear" improvised approximation / reduction from memory the other night (translation: don't use this to learn an accurate version of the piece). It really doesn't really fit the theme of any of my YouTube channels, so I posted it over on my Tradfolk channel
This Fauré piece is not one I've ever played, but I have heard it enough to give it a go for this "by ear" improvised approximation / reduction from memory the other night (translation: don't use this to learn an accurate version of the piece). It really doesn't really fit the theme of any of my YouTube channels, so I posted it over on my Tradfolk channel