I've been playing piano accordions purchased from Petosa in Seattle for about 10 years or so, and so far have had a very satisfying experience. Seattle is about a day's drive from where I live and I can drive there, stay in a hotel and spend a morning or afternoon at their shop trying out various accordions. I've always been told that the Petosa brand is the very finest mahogany cabinets, walnut keyboards and the very finest components of ANY brand in existence today, and I've always been pleased with the 3 accordions I've purchased from them. I bought a Giulietti , a Petosa Artista LMMM and an Americana LMM. Recently I thought, yeah I like my Americana, but I would like something nicer to play in my latter years, so I began to look at different web sites and talk to different shops. I like the sound of Beltunas with triple musette, but the reeds are machine reeds at least in my price range , I really like the Petosa little pro extreme with voci armoniche blue star reeds, but the 15" keyboard is one of the things I'm getting sick of on my Americana so that's out, and I'm getting a quote for a Bugari LMMM model 151 with voci armoniche blue star reeds. But getting back to the reason for this post, I had to smile when I read this on the website about Bugari: "only the best aged mahogany cabinets and reed blocks, the finest walnut keyboards and the best components available" same speel that Petosa has been saying to me for the last 10 years. I didn't actually read this, but I got the feeling that since Bugari Armando owns Zero Sette factory now, they consider Bugari to be the premium brand and Giulietti, Zero Sette and Petosa to be OK. Funny thought really, although I do cringe when someone quotes $8K for a new accordion, of course if it's the best aged mahogany, walnut and components, well..........................
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