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Aww... here's Peggy. Got a picture of your pet?

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Anyanka said:
She's a cutie! Thanks for starting this thread, by the way. There seems to be a faint statistical link between sighthounds & squeezeboxes :tup:
Thanks A. She's even cuter in reality.. a half hour walk takes an hour as everyone wants to say hello to her.. and she wants a cuddle. I may leave the mucus she blows out of her nose (brachi... whatever) to put people off instead of wiping it off every now & then.. lol.
Liberty Bellows had got a white Frenchie called Amelie...
Here's a photo of Daisy, enjoying a favourite occupation of having a paddle, though swimming is the best! Or helping with accordion practice. She's a 11 year old Staffy cross (we think) rehomed from the Dogs Trust as a pup.


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Just thought of this... Shouldn't accordionists who want to have a dog, have a boxer? :lol:

A dear old friend of mine had a Boxer called George. He was Northern Secretary of the Institution of British Military Parachutists (my friend that is, not the dog.) He also owned (again, my friend) a 1942 Willy's Jeep, and George used to ride on the back seat wearing a leather flying helmet & goggles.

They were a common and amusing sight on local roads, causing much mirth and merriment as they navigated around the district in their preferred mode of transport.

Sad to say that George is no longer with us, but his memory lives on in all who knew him.

Stephen Hawkins.

This is Milo who we got from Puppy Rescue here in Spain 4 days ago. He was from a litter of 5 puppies but was the only one who didnt have a forever home - how could we resist! Hes about 8-9 weeks old and is into everything at the moment. Im sure he thinks his name is OI!.
:o Puppy! Congratulations on your new best pal, Knobby! I'm quite safe around human babies, but I do melt at the sight of a puppy... He's so tiny!
Soulsaver, Are you sure you picked the right breed? Here is a film of her cousin :-
p.s. I was watching a Swedish accordionist and this was Youtubes next autorun choice.
Ca canny
Yep - shes nuts, too. Too hot for her at the moment. Here shes just thinking about what to do to next doors cat, Bailey.. who doesnt know what to make of her... shows how little she is:

And I must jet wash that drive.. again.


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It is now exactly 12 months since we left our siblings and moved up north. In that time we have produced a total of 967 eggs, the largest weighing in at 101 grams – Ouch.
She wishes she could potty train us but I think it would be easier for her to teach hubby to become a musician than for this to happen.
Here we are helping the old ones to clean the lawnmower :-

Sybil, Polly and Alice


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This is Tiny. Aptly named because she was the runt of the litter. She will be having puppies soon….PM me if you are interested……


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Here are Bimbo and Sweep, our Aussie shepherd dogs, in action !

Edit : I dont know why the photo looks fuzzy - the original is pin sharp !


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I wish I had their energy too - they're inexhaustable ! They are known as "glue pots" in France which is a very apt description as they always want to be with us.
My lovely Little lady, got her from my neighbour in spain :)


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