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Bayanguru with Lilypond


Aug 29, 2023
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I'd like to share with you the work I've been doing using the Lilypond engraving system. This is a set of selected sheet music pieces for bayan of varying difficulty for the Stradella bass and the free bass.

I hope the resource would be useful and valuable for those interested in bayan and accordion music.


Thank you!
You are welcome! Incidentally, it is kind of strange that accordion music is not better supported on LilyPond, given that it had an accordion-playing project leader for much of the last decade. Do you prepare your input in a special manner, with special macros or similar? How much are they particularly catering to Russian notation conventions (which are pretty similar to the AAA standards used in the U.S., less so to European conventions)? How much is the chosen convention reflected in your input rather than your specific helper macros?

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity here...
You are welcome! Incidentally, it is kind of strange that accordion music is not better supported on LilyPond, given that it had an accordion-playing project leader for much of the last decade. Do you prepare your input in a special manner, with special macros or similar? How much are they particularly catering to Russian notation conventions (which are pretty similar to the AAA standards used in the U.S., less so to European conventions)? How much is the chosen convention reflected in your input rather than your specific helper macros?

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity here...
Hi @dak,

You are right that Lilypond has a very limitied support for engraving Stradella bass. I created a Lilypond extension that has a very concise notation and drastically reduces the amount of Lilypond code needed to engrave Stradella bass. Currently it is implemented in Go as a set of string transformations using regular expressions and predefined chords.

At the time of writing I focus on Ukrainian/Russian conventions for Stradella bass, but the extension code is highly modular and can be easily extended to support other conventions if the need arises.