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Besame Mucho

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Been here for ages!
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Feb 16, 2016
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I sincerely wasnt going to post anything in this section for a very very long time, but I was so happy with the new FireWire mixer and how clean everything comes out that I had to share. I took a simple song (but yeah, its not all that well played by me anyway), and did the best that I could for the moment, and just spent a couple of hours on this to polish it up. Here is the dropbox link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/oeovhwhfjelpuw4/Besame Mucho_Jerry P.H.mp3?dl=0

Please be gentle, its the first thing Ive recorded in close to 15 years and only a couple months since I restarted basically from scratch... I promise the next one is going to be better. This was done on the Elka not the Morino. :)
Sweet tone...authentic style.... i normally use Bach's Toccata as an intro to this one....mostly cos i can only play the opening part of Toccata and secondly cos i like to throw curved balls... ;)
Simple song? I've been working on this same song - from listening to your version I really need to slow my tempo down!!!!!!! I really enjoyed that - thank you!!!!
Nicely played, Jerry. Clean technique and pleasing sound. What set up is the background accompaniment ?
Nigel: Thank-you for the kind words!

losthobos: Hmmm... that's just evil... lol

Brandy: I've heard recordings of people singing this song, and so played it at about the same speed, seemed right for me, but whatever speeds you play it at, I am sure it's just as good. Thank-you! :)

EMan: Thank-you! For the back track I used a Ketron X4, but I will let you in on a little trick. I timed a beat variation back and forth a couple of times to match the registration changes... sure makes one work, because at the same time, it was a drum solo (well timed press on the foot pedal), accordion registration change and the arranger variation change all at the same moment. It took a little practice to do all at once seamlessly. I've never used the drummer lead-in before either and it kind of makes the beginning feel a little more realistic in the recording.

If this was a song that I was wanting to spend a little more time with, there are a few things I would change and add, but the main exercise was for me to see how the quality of the sound compared to past recordings, in which for me I saw a day and night differences in sound quality and dynamic range. It was also fun to share something with a forum that inspires me and has given me so much already.

I will likely redo it over one more time at a later date and change/add the things that I hope would make it a slightly more interesting recording.
I tend to play many songs to fast. I have to laugh, I go through some of my old lesson books from the 70's and every one of the songs say "SLOW DOWN!". Must be something I've always done.

Now give me a slow beautiful song and I love to drag it out!!!!
Speedy Gonzales - I name I can relate to!!!!!! Not only on the accordion, I'm very hyper always, tack in a little OCD and you've got a mess!!!!
I enjoy your sultry interpretation of this old standard. Thanks.
Can I ask which music format you used? I've tried to upload mp4 and wav files but both were refused.
I used MP3 format and used DropBox as the file holder. I think that there is a very low file size upload limit here to the board, so using another "location" to hold the file is the way to go. MP4 is a video format and WAV files are uncompressed, resulting in very large file sizes. For music alone, MP3 is a good format for sharing. For higher quality OOG is also very good. I think that for sharing videos, YouTube is hard to beat.

Thank-you! :)
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