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Big Yellow Taxi


Been here for ages!
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May 1, 2013
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People, playing any music on any accordion is a gift and a blessing.

I am not whining nor looking for sympathy. I am able to play maybe 10 - 20 minutes at a time. Playing those chords for an hour pretty much killed me.

I've basically been out of commission since September. It makes me cry. I'm gonna need help to play the farmers market this summer. My dreams of a whole new repertoire are pretty much out the window.

Don't ever get old.

Joni Mitchell was right.
Tom, really, it is no biggie. Your shoulder just was not ready to do that much time. You mentioned going to see a doctor... any advance on that front? As far as getting help for the farmer's market, you know I have your back in any way that I can, but I am not able to go there and play with you, the commute would kill me... lol
Tom, really, it is no biggie. Your shoulder just was not ready to do that much time. You mentioned going to see a doctor... any advance on that front? As far as getting help for the farmer's market, you know I have your back in any way that I can, but I am not able to go there and play with you, the commute would kill me... lol
Thanks Jerry, maybe I can zoom you in! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Yes, I have done some stuff, and have an appointment coming up.....
Gettin' old ain't for wussies, that's for sure.

Is the shoulder problem from too much uninterrupted play/practice or some other reason?
It's very inconvenient and painful as well, but it will pass with time and care.
I once injured the left hand side hinge of my jaw by attempting to bite through a very tough nut bar like "slice" of pastry. It took nearly a year to recover. Now, after several years, it's like new!šŸ˜„
Just go easy with it.
Maybe massage would help?šŸ¤”
With age, it becomes important not to overstrain anything: you can even hurt yourself by over energetically stretching yourself in the morning!
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I sympathise @Tom. Not to worry though - it's ok, I have an idea. Something that will wow them at the farmers market! lt's light, musical and perfect for the good farming folk of Wisconsin. What could it be? :unsure: Simple really - with a bit of practice Tom you too could play a mean carrot or rock with a rhubarb. :ROFLMAO:

Apparently a three pronged carrot gives a good musette tuning!

@Dingo40 that's terrible. Was it a rock cake you bit?
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It was a very tough health bar type of thing with nuts, dried fruit, rolled oats, honey, golden syrup etc, baked in the oven on a pan and cut into slices while hot: baked by my wife and delicious.
It's just that I "bit off more than I could chew"!šŸ¤£
Gettin' old ain't for wussies, that's for sure.

Is the shoulder problem from too much uninterrupted play/practice or some other reason?
I'm not really sure, could be general degeneration over many years, which could of course include all the playing. I also do a lot of work like wood cutting, landscape, painting, etc.
It's very inconvenient and painful as well, but it will pass with time and care.
I once injured the left hand side hinge of my jaw by attempting to bite through a very tough nut bar like "slice" of pastry. It took nearly a year to recover. Now, after several years, it's like new!šŸ˜„
Just go easy with it.
Maybe massage would help?šŸ¤”
With age, it becomes important not to overstrain anything: you can even hurt yourself by over energetically stretching yourself in the morning!
Thanks Dingo! Yes, massage does help. My friend is a massage therapist and has helped me out. Unfortunately it's been temporary relief.
I'm not really sure, could be general degeneration over many years, which could of course include all the playing. I also do a lot of work like wood cutting, landscape, painting, etc.
I'm not a doctor and don't play one on the silver screen or in a Netflix special. That said, your doctor will most likely order some x-rays to look for signs of arthritis or muscle/tenon/nerve damage. Don't put it off because any of those things will only get worse if not treated, and could well improve if done right and soon.

As an interim self-treatment maybe consider a tens unit, one of those electrical muscle stimulation devices.
Gettin' old ain't for wussies, that's for sure.

Is the shoulder problem from too much uninterrupted play/practice or some other reason?
I told Tom that he should not swing from the chandelier during moments of passion... he didn't listen to me... lol.

Kidding aside, from what he told me, Tom was actually a bad boy. He was hand chopping and stacking several cords of wood for something like 5 hours straight. That would be enough to seriously hurt anyone's shoulder!
I told Tom that he should not swing from the chandelier during moments of passion... he didn't listen to me... lol.

Kidding aside, from what he told me, Tom was actually a bad boy. He was hand chopping and stacking several cords of wood for something like 5 hours straight. That would be enough to seriously hurt anyone's shoulder!
You're right, Jerry, I should have stuck with the chandelier!
People, playing any music on any accordion is a gift and a blessing.

I am not whining nor looking for sympathy. I am able to play maybe 10 - 20 minutes at a time. Playing those chords for an hour pretty much killed me.

I've basically been out of commission since September. It makes me cry. I'm gonna need help to play the farmers market this summer. My dreams of a whole new repertoire are pretty much out the window.

Don't ever get old.

Joni Mitchell was right.
Iā€™m 82, and I donā€™t consider myself old. Sure, itā€™s tougher and slower to learn something new, but itā€™s not hopelessšŸ˜€ As for the shoulder, get some good medical advice and follow it. You donā€™t have to learn all the chords in one hour! If that hour is too much, try a half hour, but take that sequence I posted and break it sown into smaller chunks. For example, stick with C major, instead of trying to do C, F and G.But first, let a physician advise you on just how much to do, or to stop for a while, or tovget into physical therapy, etc., ā€” whatever the doctor advises.
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Agree that a real doctor will be a far more help than us lot. But yes, rest can do wonders, as annoying as that can be.

I think I've posted before about all sorts of ways one can improve their musicianship without actually practicing their instrument. I've "overdone it" myself and have had to rely on such things a time or two, ever since my own warranty expired and things started to fall apart. :-D
People, playing any music on any accordion is a gift and a blessing.

I am not whining nor looking for sympathy. I am able to play maybe 10 - 20 minutes at a time. Playing those chords for an hour pretty much killed me.

I've basically been out of commission since September. It makes me cry. I'm gonna need help to play the farmers market this summer. My dreams of a whole new repertoire are pretty much out the window.

Don't ever get old.

Joni Mitchell was right.
Hi Tom I feel your pain I would be heartbroken to not be able to play for long periods at a time due to pain but stick with what the experts recommend and hopefully it will get better I wish you success with the healing so you can get back to enjoying playing pain free again
If you want to learn and practice the chords without hurting your shoulder, maybe you should consider a button organ.
Years back Farfisa made one of them.
Today there is a company that makes them for some of the Yamaha models.
I'll try to find a link for you.
