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Bluestar reeds


Jan 29, 2022
Reaction score
Would any of you that have first hand experience with bluestar reeds be willing to share your thoughts?

Are they as responsive and rich sounding as traditional high end hand made reeds? Do they have comparable presence and projection?

I’ve read a lot of speculative comments, but am interested in hearing from those that have played them.
See if you can reach out to BreezyBellows on this site. I know he has a Petosa or two and one of the newer ones most certainly has the Bluestar reeds. I haven't followed too closely but last I saw is that he really loved that accordion. Artista Pro, I believe. He also has an extensive accordion collection to provide his thoughts and is extremely helpful with his comparisons.
Thanks - I read those before posting. They are mostly speculation. I’m looking for opinions and observations from hands on experience of those that have played or heard them.

I have watched a lot of videos on line, but those don’t relate the thoughts of those that are playing them. I have heard from breezy bellows (thanks), but would like a few additional opinions.