lispinini post_id=65607 time=1547144425 user_id=3180 said:
debra post_id=65600 time=1547140059 user_id=605 said:
They do not publish this info so you have to come across one to know. My Hohner Artiste XS (made by Excelsior) has glued buttons. But it is a flat C-griff meaning that its not a problem because the buttons go through the base plate completely. I know about Pigini not only because I own one but also because in one of their own videos on YouTube they show the buttons being glued on.
I believe they have their own secret way to remove the buttons. Maybe I will also need to avoid the French Hohners then.
French Hohners have screw in buttons, as they arent Hohners at all. The expensive Fun range is made in Castelfidardo and the cheaper Nova range is made in China. The Nova range has been pruned back to a handful of models and they arent very cheap at around 2300 Euros for a basic 4 row MM with 5 row 80 bass (you cant get them in 5 row in that French range).
I cannot remember which Italian maker does the Fun range. Could be one maker on Mondays and Fridays, and somebody else on other days. They are most likely assembled from parts by various makers. Also the company Hohner (France), has had so many changes of ownership and mergers in relatively recent years, that I wouldnt have a clue who currently owns it. I believe the Hohner brand name was also sold to somebody, but I dont know who that is.
They have approved dealers in France. but I dont think there is an official outlet, as none of the instruments are made there.
If you have the time and are in the south of France it might be worth arranging a visit to Bonifassi in Nice. They have their own French range made for them in Italy, but also usually carry a significant range of used accordions that have been refurbished by them. Check out the Verde, Piermaria, and Fratelli Crosio accordions on this page of their catalogue:-
The Crosio company is no longer extant, but you just cant buy new accordions of that quality these days.
I would have to say they are not the cheapest retail outlet in France, but they used to have a huge selection of boxes in stock when they were known as accordeons sud-est, and it would appear that they still carry significant stocks of used models. Not all of their stock will be listed on their web pages.
They have an excellent reputation in France, although their Bonifassi brand name isnt all that common. If I was going there Id be looking for a bargain used model. Again, Ive forgotten who makes their own brand accordions. Theyll retune anything you buy from them to your requirements (at cost).
This is not a recommend, as Ive never dealt with them personally, but know of them because they had one of the largest selections of accordions in France.
EDIT:- Just realised youll be in a hire car and be based in Castelfidardo. Bonifassi is actually closer to you than Cavagnolo. Unless you are particularly keen on going to France I would tend to just look around Italy. If by any rare chance you cannot find anything suitable in Castelfidardo, look for any Italian make with a model referred to as sistema francese, and youll probably get what you are looking for. Italians have been making instruments with French swing type tuning for the French market for generations. The chances are it will also be better screwed together than any accordion made in France. Stocco and ByMarco both have factories in Stradella and their instruments are superb. Cavagnolo rest on their laurels a bit, and I can assure you they make the odd bad one regardless of how expensive they are. Yes they have that sound, but they also occasionally have that problem. They went through a bad patch in the mid to late 80s, although I have no idea what they are like these days.
Good luck.