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Calling owners of Roland FRX1, FRX3 and FRX8

  • Thread starter Thread starter Meerkatdawg
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I was wondering if one of you lucky/lovely people wouldn't mind measuring the distance from the tip of a white keys to the tip of the black keys. In some parallel universe I'd like to consider getting one in the not too distant future and would like to know if the keys are as shallow as my Sonola. I know the best bet would be to try one out, but since the nearest store that stocks them isn't at the door...I just wanted to check this out to see if it's even worth considering in the first place.
The dimension you request is here 2" or 5.08 cm.
The total length of a 41 key FR-5, FR-7, FR-7x, & FR-8x PA keyboard (white key to white key) is 19" or 48.26 cm. The FR-3 & FR3x will have a 17 3/8" or 44.13 cm keyboard length. The FR-1x is 12 5/8" or 32 cm keyboard length. The white & black keys on all Roland PA's have the same dimensions.
That's absolutely perfect. Thanks for taking the time to do that!
Thank you for asking this question. And Jim, Thank you for answering.

I just purchased the 8x sight unseen and was also wondering. It's the same size as my acoustic!!!!! Hopefully the 8x will arrive at my door this week! I'm so excited and can't wait to get my hands on it and start playing!!!
Hi Brandy, congratulations on your soon to arrive fr8x.
You will have great fun.
As for size, I believe it is just slightly bigger than a typical 4 voice accordion. I say this as I have 3 of them and the Roland does not fit any of the cases. I tried online to buy a larger case and so far any larger case advertised I am informed that they are no longer able to deliver. If anyone knows where I can get a case to fit I'd be interested in hearing.
Glenn - thank you! I know you received your 8x recently - it was your posting of your experience that helped sway me to purchase one! Mine should be arriving tomorrow! I can't wait!!! I've been so excited I haven't been sleeping, and when I do sleep I'm dreaming of music and how it will sound on my new toy!!!!! LOL!
Yes Brandy; As both of us know UPS is in the process of delivering your new FR-8x. (1st of all) take care in unpacking and make sure there is no obvious damage from shipping. (2nd) Please put the Manual aside and follow the directions we have provided you with. You will find the instructions we have included are more user friendly than a factory manual. I have personally played and run your 8x thru the paces, and installed bellows straps. Our crew and electronic tech have repackaged your 8x and all you will need is to adjust the shoulder straps and power it up.
Later: JIM D.
JIM D. said:
Yes Brandy; As both of us know UPS is in the process of delivering your new FR-8x. (1st of all) take care in unpacking and make sure there is no obvious damage from shipping. (2nd) Please put the Manual aside and follow the directions we have provided you with. You will find the instructions we have included are more user friendly than a factory manual. I have personally played and run your 8x thru the paces, and installed bellows straps. Our crew and electronic tech have repackaged your 8x and all you will need is to adjust the shoulder straps and power it up.
Later: JIM D.

I am so excited!! Came home from work early to ensure I am home when UPS arrives!!!! Jim - I will follow your instructions!!! Thank you for all you have done to make sure my 8x is up to par! Im ready to go - just need the UPS man to arrive soon!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! Thank you Jim D!!!!
Don't keep us in suspense, did the UPS man arrive?
Glenn said:
Dont keep us in suspense, did the UPS man arrive?

Oh Glenn - did you really need to ask me this question right now? I am so MAD!!! UPS truck arrived, pulled in my driveway, sat there for a few minutes (hubby and I watched this from the front door), he then drove off! Hubby jumps in our truck and races after him - he cant find him anywhere!!! Called Customer Service - they cant help me, asked to speak to someone in the US, they cant transfer me, someone will call me within the hour, that was 55 mins ago. Hubby calls the distribution center (1 hr away) - they are going to contact the driver and call us right back - that was 40 mins ago. Im willing to meet the driver somewhere to save me the 2 hrs drive trying to pick this up!!! Hubby calls distribution center - they have been unable to contact the driver, they dont know where the package is, they are now searching their warehouse, will call us back in a few minutes - that was 10 mins ago. Im not an emotional person, but I am near to tears at this point!!!!! How can they now know where it is? They scanned it and put it on the truck at 7:20 this morning!!!!! Was supposed to be delivered between 2:15 and 6:15 PM.

Sorry for the rant - I guess I needed to vent.

What can I say (apart from rude words) ?
My experience of parcel delivery is one of broken promises. You case is close to bizarre or indeed French farce.
Hope its solved today . Think of it as a good after dinner anecdote for the future.
I am indeed a happy camper now!!!! At 6:30 pm UPS decided that they found my parcel in the warehouse - relief . . .
Their office closes at 7pm Friday. I live an hour away. They told me if I could be there before 8pm they would give it to me - otherwise I'd have to wait until Monday. We jumped in the truck and drove like crazy, made it there by 7:45 and happily received my packaged accordion!!!

I have been playing with it for the last 2 1/2 hours - it sounds beautiful!!! I'm in love with my 8x!!!!! My husband is having a ball listening to it also!!!! This is the most fun and most beautiful sounding instrument!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!

I was afraid to buy sight unseen. Wanted to try one to see if it "felt" good on my body and my hands felt comfortable on the bass and piano sides. Once I adjusted the straps to the tightest size (I'm a little woman), used the backstrap (haven't used one since I was a child) - this accordion was made for my body!!!! It fits like a glove, I love the feel of the keyboard and bass side! It is all so natural feeling for me - more comfortable than my acoustic.

2 funny things:

1. I thought something was seriously wrong. The bass cords were clashing with my treble cords. I was so upset. I looked in the mirror and discovered that my left hand was trying to play the E bass and the C treble - horrible sound. Apparently my left hand needs to slide down further on the bass buttons then it did on my acoustic. Once I found my C bass I was in business!!!! Player error - all fixed now.

2. User Sets: I played a polka with the Polka user set. Then played a waltz with the Waltz set. Didn't sound much different - wasn't too impressed. Tried to get out of the User Sets and found a really cool sound - can't remember what it was - sounded like people singing! Discovery!!!! When you select a set make sure you highlight by pushing the enter button - otherwise the sound doesn't change. DUH!!! User error, all better now - looking forward to running through all the sets again, listening to the proper sounds assigned!!!!!

I'm so excited! Off to play some more!!!
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