I found this beautiful music on YT and made transcription.
I hope you will like it too
I did - just to not let Paul feel as a lonesome grumbling guy.... so it shows this accordion needs tuning... (but 99% of the audience will not notice that).
I found this beautiful music on YT and made transcription.
I hope you will like it too
I think @Piotr should be honored. No one here pointed out out of tune notes on my posts.This talk of "this note or that note is out of tune" really saddens me.
It reminds me of the judges on the pipe band competitions circuit who spend 90% of their time listening for faults and tuning issues and the other 10% listening to the tunes as a whole.
Piotr and the others who contribute to our listening pleasure here devote many hours for our enjoyment and I for one am humbled and deeply grateful for their amazing talent and willingness to share freely with fellow enthusiasts.
Those of you who have " perfect pitch" may be able to detect an odd note here or there, but do you really have to point it out with monotonous regularity.
There is no such thing as a perfect musical instrument or player, except in the electronic world, and the vast majority of us will continue to marvel and enjoy the wonderfull music presented to us.
I'm now ducking down below the parapet to avoid the oncoming flack![]()
Hmmm... on this I have to agree, I was born with perfect pitch and internally it drives me nuts (try listening to the radio to a song that hasn't been "auto-tuned" nowadays!), but I have never critiqued someone else's performance stating a bad tune.Many would say Perfect Pitch is a gift, a rare talent.
Anyone out there who thinks it might be an affliction?
Of course it's criticismHope it's not perceived as criticism - it was meant as feedback - no negative connotation at all.
No worries your score is perfect - that's far beyond basic.
I bet you: only 1 out of hundred (if at all) reach a level that they can transcribe a song for their instrument.
And not at all I want to criticise your instrument.
The Scandalli as well as your Poeta are top-notch instruments.
It could nevertheless be the case that some tones need slight re-tuning.
Paul seems to be pretty sure about it - I think I can second his perception and tried to figure our a few tones which in the recording to me sound slightly out-of-tune.
I agree with Paul: it's a very small population who will at notice it within a piece of music.
It's a handful of (poor) guys who listen to music with certain analytical hearing capabilities and can notice it.