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Chromatic MIDI keyboard

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Active member
Oct 24, 2016
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Broken out from another thread, thought it might interest someone.
I inquired about the treble keyboard only. They responded right away.


Hello dear Mitch,
you can buy directly from us and well send you to your addresse the product. The cost including trasport is euro 850,00
If you would like to order let us know and we send you a pro-forma invoice , many thanks
Best wishes
Antonella Toccaceli
tel +39 0717820100 - ¬+39 3470455792
Hello MitchNC,

I wrote to MasterMidi about a similar product that's on their website under "News." It's a keyboard with 41 piano keys and 96 bass buttons. They were able to give me a price for that keyboard with and without the midi unit. I'm guessing that the one without the midi unit could be used as a midi controller keyboard, but without getting any specs from them, I can't be sure. I don't read Italian, so I asked my accordion dealer, who does read Italian, if he could get a set of specs from them. So far, and this goes back a few weeks, he hasn't replied. I know he got the message because he answered another, unrelated question. So, I'd be curious if you were able to get specs for the unit in which you were interested from Master, and, if you actually bought the unit, if it came with some sort of manual.


Alan Sharkis
I just got this MIDI keyboard from Master MIDI about an week ago, and I got a second-handed Roland FR3-Xb two days ago, so I can tell you the difference between this two MIDI devices.

Master MIDI's keyboard is a 5-rows 55 keys midi keyboard with a MIDI out connector (need a MIDI-USB cord to connect to the PC, just like the FR3-Xb). You need an AC adapter to power it (just like the FR3-Xb too, and they will include one for you).

My PC recognized it with no problem (just like the FR3-Xb) and it works with my MusicScore 2 software which is a way I wanted to use it.

I was excited when I received the box from Italy but I have to say I am a little bit disappointed about this product. Let me tell you why:

(1) It's heavy (3.2kg with the case cover removed and 4.2kg with it on)
(2) The button size is a little bit small.
(3) The touch is really hard compared to my FR3-Xb and PIGINI acoustic accordion. Not easy to play for me.
(4) Some of the buttons are not responsive (as I labeled with stickers in the picture). I'm working with them to fix the issue now but I think their quality control really need to be improved.
(5) The keyboard comes with a case, but I should say it comes AS a case because you can't take it out of the case! The case cover can be removed but the keyboard is fixed on the lower part of the case! I tried to unscrew the screws underneath and yes you can separate the keyboard from the lower wooden case but guess what? An electronic board connected to the keyboard (with wires) is fixed on the lower case.

I don't know why they made it this way? Even if you try to take the electronic board out there is no way to put the keyboard evenly on any plane because it's not flat and there'll be no cover to protect the exposed mechanics and electronic components.

(6) The biggest problem for me is the designed angle of the keyboard. As you can see from the picture the "button plane" is facing DOWNWARD so it's almost impossible to play when you put the keyboard on your desk. I finally realized that this keyboard is designed for stage performing and need a tilted stand (just like a music sheet stand, but much stronger) to compromise the angle so you can play the buttons in a horizontal plane.

The only way I can think of to use it as a normal MIDI keyboard on your table with you PC is to take the keyboard out of the case and find a carpenter to make a bottom cover to fix the angle when you play it (or you can get a stand for it). Before that this MIDI keyboard is completely useless to me.

For anyone who thought of this product as a MIDI keyboard in a traditional sense, think again when you buy it!!


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I was more interested in their unit that comes with 41 piano keys and 120 bass buttons. It's on Master's website, but not where you,d expect to find it. You have to click the "News" tab to find it.

So far, I've received nothing from Master re: specs, and I asked twice. But they did tell me that there are two models -- one has their Play Midi sound module (400 sounds, just like the one in my accordion) and the other doesn't. The price difference between the two models is significant.

I guess I could use either as a midi controller, but what turns out to be more than $1000 US for the model without the sound module and more than $2000 US for the one with the sound module (both prices include shipping to the US) is an expensive guess. Let's face it, I already have a 49-key midi controller keyboard that cost a lot less than $1000 US. But the idea of inputting midi data for my DAW or my notation program with automatic major, minor, 7th and dim with the press of one button intrigues me. I could also use my accordion to input midi data but I find that sitting at my computer with its cable, power box, etc. nearby is inconvenient, to say the least. That's why I'd love to have one of those keyboards.

Oh, well, I guess I'd just have to wait some more.

That's an interesting solution, Seisiuneer. I'll consider it.

I've noticed that you also have a piano-accordion app for the iPad. Any chance the next revision of that one can include diminished chords in the left hand? I realize that would be quite a "squeeze." Sorry :)

It's so tight on the little iPad screens, particularly the Mini, had to make tradeoffs... You can select between having the counter-bass row (loses the 7 chord row) or not, (shows Bass, Maj, Min, 7). Sure wouldn't want to make the bass buttons any smaller...

Now, a version specific to the iPad Pro with the huge screen could be very full-featured!
I discussed the Master keyboard with the 41 piano keys and 96 bass buttons with my teacher. Master finally sent me some data on the keyboard beyond the pictures on their website. They even sent a .pdf of the manual, which turned out to be the Play Midi manual for the midi on my accordion.

My teacher really doesn't want me to bring it for lessons, despite the fact that it's light-weight, because he feels that bellows control is an integral part of what we're doing.

Using it as a midi controller also doesn't seem like an option, even though I can enter treble, bass and chords simultaneously, since the Master keyboard's price far exceeds that of any midi controller keyboard with all piano keys.

This type of keyboard (piano keys and accordion-style bass buttons) has been put out by many manufacturers over the years, and hasn't sold well no matter what the brand. When I asked my teacher why, he said that the piano keys translate well from vertical to horizontal (accordion to flat keyboard) but many of those who tried those keyboards felt that the bass on the keyboards was awkward to use.

I was 90% sure that I wasn't going to plunk down over $2700 when I left him. Now, I'm 100% sure.

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