I imagine this question has been asked before, but I couldn't really find a reply despite my best attempts. I was wondering what are the make/models of PA you would recommend for air travel as carry on? One issue I found in general is that the depth of the instrument is too big to fit within the airlines' sizers once the angle of the keyboard is taken into account (for instance, a 18mm bellow width translates to 24mm or even more depending on the instrument). I have currently a 1950s Hohner Concerto (26/48, 2 voices) I had bought for this purpose when I started, but I have been finding the keyboard very stiff and the reeds somewhat unresponsive (it may be a setup issue?) in comparison to my better accordion I bought recently. I also tried a 26/32 Paolo Soprani (similar to the one shown below), but it had no dynamic whatsoever and I missed the counterbasses.
I was wondering if there is a model that you would consider of relatively decent quality for this around €1,000-2,000 (I have seen some people talking about the Weltmeister Rubin, but a friend advised me against the brand in general), or if I should really look at the likes of Pigini/Brandoni etc if I want something decent? And would anyone have an idea of the total depth of these models when taking into account the keyboard angle? 30 keys on the treble would be ideal, but 26 could also be ok...
Thank you in advance!
I imagine this question has been asked before, but I couldn't really find a reply despite my best attempts. I was wondering what are the make/models of PA you would recommend for air travel as carry on? One issue I found in general is that the depth of the instrument is too big to fit within the airlines' sizers once the angle of the keyboard is taken into account (for instance, a 18mm bellow width translates to 24mm or even more depending on the instrument). I have currently a 1950s Hohner Concerto (26/48, 2 voices) I had bought for this purpose when I started, but I have been finding the keyboard very stiff and the reeds somewhat unresponsive (it may be a setup issue?) in comparison to my better accordion I bought recently. I also tried a 26/32 Paolo Soprani (similar to the one shown below), but it had no dynamic whatsoever and I missed the counterbasses.
I was wondering if there is a model that you would consider of relatively decent quality for this around €1,000-2,000 (I have seen some people talking about the Weltmeister Rubin, but a friend advised me against the brand in general), or if I should really look at the likes of Pigini/Brandoni etc if I want something decent? And would anyone have an idea of the total depth of these models when taking into account the keyboard angle? 30 keys on the treble would be ideal, but 26 could also be ok...
Thank you in advance!