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Crown PA

  • Thread starter Thread starter maki
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My co worker, a great guy, has offered me a trade.
His like new Crown PA, 41/120, made in Italy about 15-20 years ago.
It has 3 switches on the treble side and 2 on the bass.
It weighs about 16 lbs and measures about 17 inch long on the key board.
It looks to be in perfect condition.

Can anyone tell me about this instrument?
I'd very much like a ballpark value if possible.
I want to give my buddy a fair deal in trade, yet
be fair to myself as well.

This will be my first accordion, HELP!
I know nearly nothing.


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The Crown Accordion in this picture is a late 50's early 60's model. They were extremely well made accordions and this one in good shape will fetch around $450.00 to $500.00 USD.
JIM D. said:
The Crown Accordion in this picture is a late 50s early 60s model. They were extremely well made accordions and this one in good shape will fetch around $450.00 to $500.00 USD.
Thanks Jim!
Just what I was hoping to hear.
I expect that my friend got a used one and forgot.
Thanks again.
So I took this box to a local pro for an evaluation.
Good news; its in great shape with a very tight bellow and in tune.
Bad news: he advises me that the keyboard is far too small for me.
He offered me $350 in trade value towards a used full size.
He must think you're a man... ;) It's what some people call a 'compact', others, a lady or student size - that doesn't stop blokes playing it, but it can be tight between the black keys if you've not got petite fingers.
Some will argue that you shouldn't be playing between the black keys anyway... I've not big hands and I catch the black keys on a 17" compact, especially the 3 group which are often closer than the 2s.
Only you can say though, if you can get your biggest finger comfortably pressing white keys between the tightest blacks, then it should/could be OK. And you can move quickly from compact to full size IMHO... but others may disagree. It's a nice looker too.
My hand are extra large and my thumb doesn't fit on the key without playing its neighbors.
I'm kinda broken hearted, cause the Crown seems fantastic but too small.
maki said:
My hand are extra large and my thumb doesnt fit on the key without playing its neighbors.
Im kinda broken hearted, cause the Crown seems fantastic but too small.
Shame - so whats the plan? Sell it private and go look for another? What full-size did the dealer offer you?
maki said:
My hand are extra large and my thumb doesnt fit on the key without playing its neighbors.
Im kinda broken hearted, cause the Crown seems fantastic but too small.
Shame - so whats the plan? Sell it private and go look for another? What full-size did the dealer offer you?[/quote]
I didnt consummate the original deal/trade so I will retun it to it owner.
He put it into my hands so I could research its value and condition.

The accordion shop had sooo many full sized PA to choose from!
I looked hard at a restored Noble, and a wet tuned Paulo Saprano.
Theres no money to be had at the moment though, which is why a straight trade
with my bubby wouldve been great.
The dealer seems like a great guy, and is something of a minor local celebrity
in the LA accordion scene. Id absolutely love taking lessons from him.
His joy of music actually shines out from him.
"You are (not) Joe Cooley and I claim $5 dollars!" * :lol:

Only joking, I hope the right accordion comes your way soon.

(* Search "Lobby Lud" if this makes no sense.)
TomBR said:
You are (not) Joe Cooley and I claim $5 dollars! * :lol:

Only joking, I hope the right accordion comes your way soon.

(* Search Lobby Lud if this makes no sense.)
Nice obscure reference, I love historical trivia... so thanks.

Yes I am JoeCooley on Melnet, but only because maki was already in use.
Thanks, something will turn up Im sure.
Worse case is Ill buy an electric key board and learn piano.
The Crown is now mine!
I figure a bird in hand now if better than a poke in the eye
with a sharp stick later.
The key board and basses are tight but I may get used to it.
Congratulations on your new acquisition.
I like you prefer a bird in the hand.
I've experienced too many bush-like episodes.
It's a beauty... worth having it even just for decoration...! Congrats :ch
It sounds great, the bellows are tight, and thanks to this forum I know that it is very well made.
Happy happy, joy joy!!At long last I'm a n00b accordionista.

Thanks everyone for the good advice, support and well wishes!
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