any info on this interesting little instrument?
Hi Marije,
It's a circa 1950s Scandalli (Italian) made, 34/60 piano accordion, in a popular colour in their "Polifonico" range which included this little two (?) treble reed, through a three reed and up to a semiprofessional 41/120 four reed model.
The Polifonico 4 reed (with six billy-lid " mute" covers) went through about 14 editions, gradually losing the characteristic "lids".
The lesser models had fewer "lids" and fewer reeds/keys/basses.
They are quite appealing.
Many, unfortunately, have suffered damage (and corrosion) to the rather vulnerable "lids ".
If you enter "Scandalli pollifonico YouTube " in your search engine, you should get some interesting hits!
Here's a skilled exponent with one of the upper end models:
(Some models bear the word "brevetto" and people have been referring to them as "Scandlli Brevettos".
However, "brevetto " simply means "patent" in Italian