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Delicia doubts..

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I upgraded from a cheap chinese box to a 120 Delicia Choral about a year ago now, which I purchased second hand but seemingly very new at £1200. The reeds in it still to this day I have never tired of and sound lovely. But right from the start I've had doubts about the overall build quality. I have had to glue key ends back on a few times, and some of the keys are very loud and clacky, the keyboard on my much cheaper box was actually much better. More recently I've noticed the bass machine is quite squeaky, and now I have a sticking C Major button. I'm now starting to wonder if I could have gotten something much better for my money and if its worth trading for something better? I thought they seemed to have an ok rep, am also wondering if perhaps I got lumbered with a factory second or something like that?
Anyone else have any experience with delicia? Any advice much appreciated. And is there any way to make a bass machine less sticky, without getting very complicated? I'm guessing not.. :/

I have to add, in case anyone noticed me referring to him in previous conversations, this was NOT a purchase from Les in Totness. I knew I should have gone to him..
No scam, Delicias can be like that. Most of those thing can be fixed though.
i have heard some good feedback on some of the delicia models (think smaller ones) but i dont know anything about this particular model

people have teething problems with ones way more expensive than this one and new ones too :!:

you saying the reeds and sound is lovely is encouraging however :)
Thanks folks, glad to hear this isn't unusual, and I guess it's to be expected with a newer instrument perhaps. Mine is actually very similar to that see-through one! I have been eyeing up some nice restored Hohners in a similar price range, and was wondering if I might just be better off trading it in for one of those, but the same dealer also does repairs, so I think its worth paying him a visit either way and maybe then decide if I want to stick with it or not. Am very glad to hear this is fairly normal and fixable, as yes the reeds are lovely, very loud and bright, so there's a fair chance I might stick with it if he can get it working a little better.
Cheers all! :)
That see through accordion looks interesting, though a bit rude.
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