I think we are good enough friends to talk openly about recordings and musical ideas.
I'm sure that it's all good, it's fun because I've done videos for all of us... speaking of which, when can I expect the pleasure of working on another one of your audio/video works of art?
Firstly, I like the woodland scene you have selected. I think it would be useful for someone who lives in a grimy city and has no access to green spaces or the countryside. It would help create the illusion of an early autumn scene in a nice parkland. However, I don't think it's a great screen for you Tom, because you live in the woodlands of Door County, where wolves, lynx and mountain lions roam. You are a bit like the 'Grizzly Adams' of the forum and your outdoor playing, or by a window with a view, would be more authentic.
First one has to understand that this is literally Tom's very first and experimental experience using a green screen. It was not an attempt to fool anyone or showcase his work, it was (between Tom and I) literally his first video and our first test in front of a green screen, and at the start, as it was for me, a daunting learning experience.
Secondly, maybe the lighting is a little low because the vibrant blue celluloid of your accordion has been dulled to looks dark, inky blue.
The lighting... hmmm... there is NO external lighting, this is basically minimal ambient room light. On top of that, the video was taken with a computer camera at a dismal 720p quality level. The fact that we could even make that file work is a marvel of the technology within Davinci Resolve.
Rule one for green screens is that one needs a ton of light (I started with 3 and am up to 14 bulbs in 3 locations and summed up am close to 2000 watts, and am STILL short of a 2 more locations and a good 6-10 lights for the perfect green screen setup... lol)
Thirdly, I agree with
@murathan, fake smiles are best avoided - I'm glad you have just been yourself! The whole 'grin like a Cheshire cat' thing that's pushed upon us is really a bit cringe. They actually have a cringey name for it too 'stagecraft'. In my opinion Tom, the best smiles are the ones you don't realise you are doing!
Agreed! I know that visually it is much more appealing to non-accordionists to see a smiling accordionist expertly do his thing, but people just do not know that the moment we see a camera sitting there, psychologically, something inside clicks and we are 10 times more self-conscious and now we are expected to do something as technically challenging as playing an accordion... without the sheet music!
I have tons of respect for anyone of us here that puts themselves out there like that... it's not easy. Do your best, enjoy the music, leave the rest to nature... and ignore the "hater" comments.
Overall, the green screen makes for a clean and smart look. In some situations that works, but not always.
Here's a few additional thoughts.
1. Try recording somewhere we can see the real countryside. Maybe somewhere a little brighter too.
2. Think about the accordion voicing on both the left and right hand. The 'tutti' can sometimes be a little harsh. Maybe try the 'violin' voice instead, and a softer bass on the left side.
3. Avoid too much reverb.
4. If you do record outside, wear your bunnet, it'll keep you warm and look good! If it's a bit cold you could try wearing fingerless gloves. Also, the gentle rustling of the leaves, or the sounds of birds singing etc is a good thing; don't separate yourself from the sounds of creation. Let it be heard. If folk find it off-putting then perhaps they need a 'retreat' for a few months in the wilderness to waken up to the sounds of life.
Right now its about -10C to -15C where Tom lives... I'm not going to ask him to play outside!
I did the video and the goal was not to create a YouTube-worthy work of art, but just to see what could be done with his video file, if anything.
I did not even care much about the audio, just slapped a template made for condenser mics (not tiny abrasive computer mic) and left it (bad choice on my end, untouched was better).
The choice of background, completely not important in this case, but it was a happy accident that I chose that one, this Czech song is about a young man walking through a forest... lol
In the summer, I'll initially guide Tom on how to get better video (already started with that, next one will be much better), and better audio, but this takes time and in some cases money. Maybe I can convince Tom to come visit me and make a few videos here in Montreal in the summer... lol
I'm greatly looking forward to your next video test. It's a constant search to find your own 'style', not seeking perfection - that's a folly! Also, think about the tunes you really love playing, especially the ones than mean something to you or reflect an aspect of your culture and traditions.
A *ton* of good advice! Tom is just in the infancy of his video creation process and this was the #1 video made on his green screen. The fact that he felt it was worthy of being shared shows he had a lot of fun with it and hopefully many new videos coming out.