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FR-1xb settings question

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Apr 16, 2022
Reaction score
Warren, RI, USA
Hi--I'm new to the forum and new to accordion. I've wanted to learn the bayan for a while, and after buying two inexpensive ones online that were represented as playable but weren't, I decided to get a Roland FR-1xb, which can do a bayan keyboard layout, sound, and also alternate between stradella and free bass. I ordered it back in January, and after the now-obligatory four month delay because of chip shortages, I've finally received it last week and have begun making honking noises.

In order to set the FR-1xb to be a bayan, you need to change two settings: the fingering on the treble side and the tonality set (and also the button color layout, but that's a physical thing and easy). I've done that, and set a User Set to those settings. What I'm wondering is whether it's possible to set that to be the "default" when the instrument is turned on. True, it's easy to switch to the predefined user set, but it would be nice not to have to do so. Since I'm not familiar with what a bayan "should" sound like, and have no experience with playing an instrument, nor access to a local teacher, I'm worried about, in effect, learning to play the wrong instrument, paranoid as that might sound.

Any and all advice much appreciated.
I set up my FR-8X so that when it starts, I press the "User Program" button. The default is User Program #1. I have put my favorite register settings in User Program #1. I just checked the FR-1X manual on page 37, it says that you have 8 User Programs available. You could save your favorite Bayan register settings in User Program #1. If the FR-1X, comes with settings in User Program #1, save the user program to a Flash Drive. Also, you could check all the 8 existing User Programs, if any registers are "Empty". You could then move the existing program #1 to the program that has "Empty" registers. That will free up program #1 for your Bayan settings.

John M.
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Thank you all! I have my bayan setup as user program 1A, so it's ridiculously easy to call it up. User program button, then Treble 1 button. Still, it's odd that on an instrument that can have so many button arrangements and tonal profiles that there isn't a way to set one preferred one as a default. With my luck, that's in next year's model.

Overall, though, the thing is amazing. I'm just playing scales at this point, getting used to the bellows and buttons, but it's really fun and sounds really impressive through headphones.
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