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Fratelli Crosio Musettina

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Prolific poster
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Near Edinburgh. Scotland.
I am trying to value this instrument from, I think, the late 70s or early 80s. Plenty Fratelli Crosios are around but I cant see any of this model, to make a comparison. It is in good, original condition with a strong musette from reeds which are nailed onto leather. The compression is good and the keyboard is light, shallow and fast. It is fully midied and is ready to go. Any comments or opinions on the accordion history or probable value would be welcomed.
(Click on image to enlarge.)



  • Musettina6a.jpg
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Absolutely gorgeous accordion but almost all accordions look good on a computer screen. This one appears to be vintage so to determine it`s actual worth , one would have to play it , check the tuning and then definitely open it up and check the reeds for rust , amateur attempts at tuning, condition of valves and the reed wax. I also look for insect damage and any odors. I usually check out the bass machine , and listen for worn treble and bass pallet noise and/or key (clacking).

Just playing it would give a good overall impression of it`s condition but every potential vintage accordion purchase should require a good thorough inspection by a someone qualified or familiar with accordion repair.
Seems to be a 4 reed. Possibly late 60's to middle 70's. Any reed blocks "in cassotto" (tone chamber) ??
Also find it strange there is no shift for 2 M's (violin). Or does a wrist shift eliminate one of the middle M's ??
Are all the reeds non waxed? - if so a 60's version
And is there a pickup installed?
Also if the reeds were waxed in, this one would be made by Bosoni.
It's newer and nicer than my CBA, but the graphic style is somewhat similar. The grille looks surprisingly solid, I mean the holes far apart, but maybe I'd see that's commonplace if I looked so closely at a lot of accordions.

Mine doesn't have an MM either - it's M or MMM.
Thank you all for responding.
I agree computer photos don't do justice. However this accordion is as good as it looks in the photo and has very few cosmetic issues. I tune and repair but have made no repairs on this one. However I did make a change to the treble couplers. As you can see there are three couplers all the same. i.e. master LMMM. I altered one of those to only serve the high and low tuned reeds, resulting in a very fast tremolo which I've seen on some accordions labeled 'french musette' which of course is not strictly true.
I also agree that without a detailed look inside, playing it etc. nobody can sensibly make a detailed comment on value. However I can say that after playing it recently and having a look inside that the reeds are rust free, the leather valves remain largely close fitting and as the reeds are nailed onto the reed blocks the problem of aged, dry wax does not arise. Pallet noise, in my opinion, remains unobtrusive and acceptable.
Jim D:-
It has 4 reeds, no cassotto, LMMM. There is no wrist shift. All reeds are non-waxed and it has no pick-up.
Can you show a picture of your CBA. It might be the closest I'm going to see for a comparison. How would you value your own?
To All:-
I understand totally the possible shortcomings of an older instrument. Any final valuations are always subject to a detailed inspection by an interested party.
Thanks in anticipation.
Sticking my neck out here , and speaking from a US players point of view , it`s my belief that accordions having triple clarinet reeds ( french musette )is a niche instrument , especially one without the 2 clarinet reeds ( violin option ) and no piccolo reed. This accordion might well be worth more and increased demand in Europe and the UK.
I`d expect to see it on Ebay in the mid 2-$3Ks (USD).
Mine really isn't comparable, and I don't know what it would be worth anyway. landro's picture looks pretty straight to me (metaphorically speaking.) That's an interesting sub-category there - kind of a minority within a minority, as a French musette setup but with piano keyboard (and, I would guess, common Stradella layout), but the inside minority is really the majority in most parts of the world, so ... maybe a whole crowd of people are looking for that exact thing. I don't miss the H reed, and I love that it won't melt in the sun.
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