Moschino (and other isomorphic layouts) really need to be big to reap any benefits from them. If you have less than 2.5-3 octaves you very quickly "run out" of keyboard and have to come up with all sorts of daft & uncomfortable fingerings. The system stops working as intended in the original design.
I've heard exactly the same accounts from people playing a "reduced" Wiki-Hayden layout on concertinas, although I haven't tried W-H myself yet.
Also, moschino really shines in an 8-row version, while a 6-row becomes a lot harder and less intuitive to play. It's still better than the conventional free bass systems, but not quite the same league as the 8-row.
I therefore regret to say that I don't see any benefit at all in a severely castrated moschino, unless it's done as a fun novelty project.