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Gigging Bavarian style πŸ™‚

The recording is somewhat onesided: it is almost impossible to hear the Hackbrett (hammered dulcimer).
That’s the kind of place I would easily spend all day listening and enjoying until my butt hurt from the chair! :D :D

Me too! Great music, cold beer, beautiful weather, all wrapped up with a marvelous view of the Bavarian Alps. Can't get much better than that!

Here's the website of the place. Should we try to all book a group vacation there? :-)
One of my favorite gigs of all is working at the Edelweiss Biergarten. Just play those good ole German songs one after another. Watching the smiles on the faces. Sure need more accordion players in the Phoenix area to help me perform during Oktoberfest on the indoor stage. As we have two stages, one outdoors in a massive Biergarten. This group would be perfect…