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Great resource book.....Stradella Bass Extensions

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Thanks, losthobos, the intro seems long winded and a bit unnecessary as it only covers stradella so I think that anyone who has got to that stage would already know the basics, but, that said, it is good of him to allow free download for all.
Haven't got down to studying the main content yet but should provide some useful knowledge ?
The GOLD is in the applications/examples section at the end...... ?
I had a lot of trouble when I decided to print this file. It was not created with Adobe Acrobat, but with a third party .pdf program. It's also missing several keys that would enable someone to print the entire file in either single-page or duplex mode. I thought it was a problem because my computer is a Mac, but that turned out not to be the case. I've printed other multi-page .pdf files from my Mac, both single page or duplex, and I tried another one just now, without any problems.

The material in the file is really good, so I guess I'll just have to run it on my computer as I try the illustrations with my accordion.

Just letting you know ...
Alan, I kinda sacrificed 10 sheets of paper to see if I could print out this document... WIN10 environment, HP1606DN laser printer, printed out perfectly no issues. I also tried "printing" it out to another PDF document printing it through Foxit free PDF reader and it basically recreated the document perfectly (it even grew the document up from 253mb to 301mb).

I did see a security message in the properties of the file: "this file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer", but I did not have to unblock anything.

Let me know if you'd want to try out the 301mb version of this same file that I "printed to PDF", you may have better luck with it.
Alan, I kinda sacrificed 10 sheets of paper to see if I could print out this document... WIN10 environment, HP1606DN laser printer, printed out perfectly no issues. I also tried "printing" it out to another PDF document printing it through Foxit free PDF reader and it basically recreated the document perfectly (it even grew the document up from 253mb to 301mb).

I did see a security message in the properties of the file: "this file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer", but I did not have to unblock anything.

Let me know if you'd want to try out the 301mb version of this same file that I "printed to PDF", you may have better luck with it.
Interesting, Jerry.

I figured it was worth a try downloading that Foxit Reader for Mac. It loaded the .pdf, but the print dialog window didn't show a option for printing to a .pdf. I was a little discouraged because the Foxit Reader for Mac's print dialog window looked a lot like the print dialog window in Acrobat Reader, except for that one option. Also, according to Adobe, the print engine in Mac OS takes precedence over the print engine in Adobe products.

But, I figured I'd try to just print the document to my HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 because my Samsung Laser doesn't do duplex and is in another room. So, I clicked on the print button, and the beachball (the Mac equivalent of the rotating dots it Windows 10) spun for what seemed like a full minute. I said to myself, "This is going to be like the last time. You ask it to print more than one page and it can't find either printer." But then, I noticed that the print error window never came up, and a second later, the printer came to life and printed the entire file.

I can only conclude that the Adobe products expect a file that's perfectly formatted according to Adobe's rules and can then print to whatever printer Acrobat Reader has discovered is on your network, whereas the third party readers are a little more tolerant,

Thanks for directing me to Foxit. As I understand it, they also make an editor that does most of what Acrobat Pro will do. I may just download it. I had started a five day free trial of Acrobat Pro last night in order to diagnose that file, and guess who cancelled that trial!
Glad it worked out for you! Yeah, I dropped everything Adobe after I realized that there were better options out there that were actually way better and for much less, if not free.
Thanks, losthobos, for the pointer. The document is very helpful.

I'm not sure how the author generated the pdf file. It's very inefficient. I managed to reduce it to 86MB. That helps my ancient iPad tremendously but I think it's still excessively large for a 91-page document.
Very good resource for jazz chords, thanks Terry.
Thanks, losthobos, for the pointer. The document is very helpful.

I'm not sure how the author generated the pdf file. It's very inefficient. I managed to reduce it to 86MB. That helps my ancient iPad tremendously but I think it's still excessively large for a 91-page document.
I just used www.ilovepdf.com/ to reduce it to 9.3MB All I need to do now is understand what it all means! :-D
Basically it lays out how you can combine bass buttons from 2 different rows to form a chord that is not major, minor, dominant 7th or diminished. For example, C fundamental bass button played with Eminor chord button gives you a Cmajor7 chord. He provides easy to understand chord charts and some examples of how to use these chords in a number of jazz standards.
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Don't know if it's coincidence:
In the middle of downloading ilovepdf merger I had 'Defender' say it would not proceed and 'Bullguard' say it had just blocked an 'infected file.'
Don't know if it's coincidence:
In the middle of downloading ilovepdf merger I had 'Defender' say it would not proceed and 'Bullguard' say it had just blocked an 'infected file.'
I just tried downloading with ilovepdf and got a message saying "download limit of 1gb exceeded" and wants me to pay £6 a month.
No thanks!!
With software you did not use regularly before there is always a risk when you use something "new".
I have no idea how legit the ilovepdf site is. It looks to just be a company trying to make money on pdf tools.
But "looks" can occasionally be deceiving. Always be careful with any software you download.

You did nothing wrong, sharing your experience. Others shared their experiences that might or might not be the same as yours. There is nothing negative about it.

You didn't mislead anyone.

I myself found nothing wrong with ilovepdf. Below is a screenshot of my MacBook showing the sizes of various pdf files before and after compressing using ilovepdf. The space saving is impressive. Based on the quality of the compressed pdf files, I may or may not use them. But again, you did nothing wrong and I owe you a "thank you."

Thank you.

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