I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing 'pipemajor' a speedy return to his bagpipes.
Thanks for the kind wishes Boxplayer.
It's all healing up nicely.
In actual fact I did play at a funeral on the 24th for a prominent (Scots) dignitary that had been booked before my notification of my surgery'
Luckily they only wanted 2 tunes, Amazing Grace leading the cortege into the church, and Sky Boat Song as the coffin was being lowered.
In between the service and the commital, I was plied with tea and choccie biscuits in a nice warm room.
I was able to conceal my wound dressings under my Glengarry and the wound held up fine.
To round it off, the widow insisted on giving me an envelope, which I later found contained £250, so quite an enoyable day (for me!!) all round.
Anyway , to console myself for not being able to play properly for a while, I bought myself another accordion (as you do)

Sorry for the late reply. I missed the message until now