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Hello from Petr aka Lifelies to all accordionists here


Feb 21, 2024
Reaction score
Praha, Czech Republic

Let me introduce - I'm musti-instrumentalist playing everything except string and viola (yes, violonchello is already in my hands), keyboardist, however just a hobby and self-producing - not a pro, even sometime I play live when requested. I'm an 40+ IT so this makes my musician life much more possible as it's my hobby not life needs. However, I have about 10yts of classical music education and when I was 12 I even won accordion competition where a top price was Weltmaister Supita. Yes, this was time where I played a lot - but then a political situation changed and technical high school come, so concentration to playing of accordion went out. Travel, work, family, kids and Weltmaister Cantus 4 was my top accordion till now. I have typically 4yrs of acoustics interests switched to 4 years of electronics music timing e.g. now it's time for v-accordion. Reason is simple - I was requsted a lot to produce accordion music - but even I have pretty decent home recording studio I was unable to make a reasonable good recordings of my Welrmaisters.

I produce on my own label called Lifelies (so feel free to find me whatever straming you like if you wish). Now I do mosty electronics music, grand piano albums and sound exploration. I was saving approx 20yrs till 3 days ago, I finally got Roland FR-8x, as this was long time awaited dream. My 1st track is on soundcloud, just for my friends, feel free to enjoy https://on.soundcloud.com/K2g24HRTEQn8fpCNA.

Hello to all accordionsts then here and I hope I'll find inspiration and share my knowledge when requested.

Petr Havlicek aka Lifelies
Hi Petrh and welcome.
A great story and much admiration for your dedication and sacrifice for your music.
How do you like your Roland in comparison to the Weltmeister?
I do love your playing and expression.
Keep em' coming :)
Hi, thx a lot for so nice words. Yes, accordionist are best as we share melodies with people and make them happy.

Hard to compare V-accordion with a real one right now. The initial impression is OMG this is synthetizer in the body of accordion - and it's heavy as the real one. Still must learn how to setup bellows as now it's pretty hard to play it. User experience is so far so good as quality is there for sure and there are great videos on youtube to help me start. The biggest excitement come when I found internal recorder and USB flash drive co-operation with it - now, I just plug in USB stick, pres Record, play what ever is in my mind, then stop, plug USB to my iPad, there is Grand Finale 2 mastering app - mastering done, saved, exported and uploaded to Soundcloud. So easy process.

Welmaister is still my best instrumnet - is quite - on the opposite Roland is pretty noisy on left hand / bass. When switch in between I still prefer Weltmaister due to it's sound and so smooth and fast play. But on Roland - you can do even freebass :) and bass buttones are velocity sensitive! This is a total way of expression and till now I even not plug MIDI cable to my studio and UVI sound banks - still in moment of joy - and last but not least - there is headphones jack while sound using headphones is much more better then on reproduction side. And no probs with family then - just praciticing.

To sum it up - happy with waiting and now getting v-accordion :)
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Welcome Petr! You music sounds great, thanks. Good luck with the Roland!