Hello there!
I'm a new player from Perth, Western Australia, new to both accordions and music in general. I semi-impulsively purchased a single row Pokerwork at the start of the year, and I've become a bit obsessed with it since. It's the first instrument to feel intuitive to me and not make me want to put it down. I'm starting to learn music theory now as a result too.
I've found a lot of limitations with learning on the box I've got, so my goal is to get a CBA with a significant bass side (ideally around 96) and just learn with a larger instrument from the get-go. Has been quite tricky to scope out my options though as Western Australia has few button accordions and even fewer sold in good condition for what they're worth.
Outside of accordions, I am in my final year of university in a design field
I also do a lot of DIY, including currently planning some hand-made shoulder straps for the box as it is without them.
Hope I can learn a lot here, and maybe eventually contribute something of worth myself!
I'm a new player from Perth, Western Australia, new to both accordions and music in general. I semi-impulsively purchased a single row Pokerwork at the start of the year, and I've become a bit obsessed with it since. It's the first instrument to feel intuitive to me and not make me want to put it down. I'm starting to learn music theory now as a result too.
I've found a lot of limitations with learning on the box I've got, so my goal is to get a CBA with a significant bass side (ideally around 96) and just learn with a larger instrument from the get-go. Has been quite tricky to scope out my options though as Western Australia has few button accordions and even fewer sold in good condition for what they're worth.
Outside of accordions, I am in my final year of university in a design field

Hope I can learn a lot here, and maybe eventually contribute something of worth myself!