David Colpitts
I have just (yestereday) purchased a very small (25 key) piano accordion with an also very small (15 buttons) Moschino Free Bass left side. As a matter of fact, the ID/Logo says, just that: Moschino FREEBASS. It has no other name or badge, but is stamped "Made in Italy." Inside, it's very neatly made (aside from a rather odd wax repair that is clearly not original) and precise-looking. The only other of that name/logo I can find is bigger, and was sold on Reverb some time ago. Probably a small run ordered by Moschino himself, from some regular factory in Italy....That's what I'd love to know, and to learn of any others, etc. BTW, after a single day of noodling, I like it! It's first in line for my next Janko conversion. I have posted other notes about it, but really not sought any ID sleuthing, which I'd really appreciate. I did see an older Crucianelli accordion whose bass section sort of resembled this one, in its end curves and white panel. But I don't know. Any help will be wonderful.