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Hohner Student 72 worthwhile?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DavidH
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Hi all! Sorry for the very obvious newbie question, but a search of these boards hasnt turned up quite the info I am after. Ive been learning the accordion for a year or so on a German Galotta 48 bass accordion, as a means to play a wider range of folk music than I can on my DG melodeon.

Im now after a larger PA with low reeds and a wider range, to help me play more of the music Im after. I dont need any better quality than my Galotta - just more keys. Ive been offered a second hand Hohner Student 72 at a tempting price. It appears to be much like this one: http://gertnijkamp.nl/winkel/?vpage=product&hg=050&sg=&pr=10003373

Is the Hohner Student 72 likely to be of similar quality to my Galotta 48? I will be able to try it before buying to check for obvious problems.
I have never heard anybody say how good (or bad) a Galotta is, so I wouldnt think youll be disappointed in a comparison. The Hohner Student does have its fans, tho, so if its a good one Id think youll be pleasantly surprised. I think these were made in Germany upto 1995 & believe they are replaced by the Bravo range which is made in China.

Ive never seen that claim in the link before, that it has super dural Cagnoni reeds, so that wont be a standard feature.

Other Hohner 72s to consider Concerto or Arietta, see here: http://www.accordionists.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1404&hilit=smaller+lighter

Good luck.
Soulsaver said:
I have never heard anybody say how good (or bad) a Galotta

super dural Cagnoni reeds, so that wont be a standard feature.

Good luck.

galotta similar to older weltmeister so reasonable value for money for a starter box

the reed claim needs further investigation

the one in the pic on the 1st post looks chinese made
The one in the link looks newer than 1995, but he's not buying that particular one. I doubt it important, because the early Hohner Chinese stuff is supposed to be up to Hohner's usual quality standard.
Thanks for the comments. the claim in the link about the reeds sounded fishy to me too. Don't pay too much attention to the link, it's just the first google image result that looked like the right model. You're also right about the galotta I think, I believe they were made in the same group of East German factories as the weltmeisters. Sounds like the hohner might do the trick if it's in good condition. I was intending to sell some things first to raise the necessary cash but... So tempting!
Just in case anyone comes across this thread looking for answers to a similar question, I thought I'd complete the story. I didn't end up buying the Hohner Student (deciding to be sensible and raise the cash first). Instead, I traded in the Galotta at Allodi Accordions in London for a larger, slightly older Galotta 80 bass model which sounds and feels pretty much identical except for the larger size and extra reeds. I tried a second hand Hohner Student 72 and while it was quite similar (and much newer) I didn't like it as much as the Galotta - the hohner sounded a little bit more 'polite' to my ears and I preferred the sound of the Galotta especially in the low registers. I suspect I'd have been happy enough with the provately sold Hohner for £400 though had I gone through with it.
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