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Hohner verdi iii

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gbdaz
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Hi I have been left a hohner verdi iii which is in very good condition. But I cannot play it and i'd rather it be played than gather dust. How much should I be looking at asking for it?

Thanks in advance guys, much appreciated.
Between £25 to £250 +. Need a pic or two to narrow it down - there are many models of Verdi3 going back a loooong way.
Looks 1930s model. If it is truly in good condition c £100... on a good day... in the UK, prob less in the US.
You'll need pictures to sell it...
Here in the US most all of these 70 to 80 year old Hohner's have all gone to the landfill. Most of the only ones left are sitting in museums.
Cheers guys, I have pictures you cannot upload pictures onto this forum the file is too big. So prices vary in age?
Sadly, accordions are not so much like wine or cheese as violins are. They definitely do not get better with age. And they do not get better when they are not used either, so an old box that has been sat for a while is not going to be in the best condition. Unfortunately, these old boxes, despite their amazing designs and striking sounds, are simply not up to scratch compared with a modern box - the reeds are slower to sound, the keys are harder to press, the buttons less responsive and the bellows less airtight. And the older keyboards are frankly lethal if you try and slide. I have a bit of a soft spot for these lovely boxes, but that is certainly not the general consensus. An old, basic model like that with only one coupler will not have been the best box in the first place, so will be worth very little. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Well you can load pictures to this forum.. 'cos we do. You just need to get them small enough.. or you could use a hosting site like photobucket.
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