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Its a strange one. I dont class myself as a good player, I am a pretty lazy player actually. I got my first accordion when I was 5 and did not really do much, went to lessons but never really got the bug. I stopped then started again at the age of 13 or 14 where my dad forced me into it again (god I am so glad he did). I went to lessons and at the age of 15 played my first gig, a burns night, at the age of 15 as "apprentice" accordionist, only problem was the guy who was no1 accordion was stuck at work so I had to play more than half the gig on my own. I played with that band for 10 years or so then stopped up until a couple of years ago where I started a new Ceilidh band with a couple of people. Every night, every set I know I make mistakes, but the thing is 9 times out of 10 nobody notices. I find I take a tune so far where I can play it and then dont take it any further (thats where the lazy bit comes in). I would say I will never be good however I am confidant enough to strap my box on and play a 4 hour Ceilidh. I think having something to work to will help. It was the band for me, if it was not for the band I would not be playing as a hobby (not to say I play it for money, its more to get out there and have fun). So set a goal to play at a hospital or old folks home to push you.