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Howdy everybody

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marty
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I’m new to the accordion world, having borrowed a cousin’s old box a few months ago. Now I’m really getting into this accordion thing and want to buy my own. I’ve learned a lot on the web and am stuck on the idea of getting a used converter bass. I know this sounds crazy but I’m looking at both PAs and CBAs (maybe C system?), hopefully as close to the $3K range as possible. I play the piano but am very intrigued by the button box and am not opposed to the extra effort of learning it while I’m learning this whole bit, but finding a used CBA converter (or any used converter) in the USA is a challenge. I have a lot of questions on different subjects that I’d like post over time.
Welcome Marty,

Good choice on a box. Where are you?
Welcome aboard ! If you have questions concerning accordions, we probably have the best collection of accordion enthusiasts and information that I have ever seen. I'm sure your questions will get answered and you'll get the info that you are looking for.
Hi Marty;
With what you want and what you can afford, you are a perfect candidate for a digital accordion.
Where are you located ???
Thanks for the nice welcome. Sorry, I should’ve mentioned I’m in rural Northern California, USA. I usually like to add “rural” because otherwise people think of the metropolitan Sacramento and Bay Areas. Since I play piano I was thinking I’d like to learn to play straight off my piano music with the free bass, besides learning to play “the accordion way”, which I’m starting to get a handle on right now. There is so much info on the web, reading and looking at people play is a tremendous help. And you are right Eman, I want to read all the information and check out the links on this forum too, which will take a while.

Mom had an accordion for a while when I was a kid (50 years ago; she taught piano and organ) and I remember her showing me how the bass worked, but I was too young to play it, I couldn’t even see over the top. Now I wish I had taken accordion lessons over the years, instead of all the other instruments I played for a while before moving on to the next one. I’m starting to get that old-timer’s disease of thinking how I’d like to live my life over, differently this time. But at least I can live “differently” from now on.

I’d like to play some classical, some folk, “golden oldies” type stuff from my generation, etc. I read someplace on the web of someone who said during Christmas season they played Christmas music next to the Salvation Army bell ringers in front of stores. The SA liked to have them there because the shoppers gave 3-4 times as much money. I would love to do that, maybe next year after I’m good enough and have a Christmas repertoire.

Jim D, do you mean a digital like a Roland? I thought they were expensive and probably hard to find used. They might be interesting to check out anyway, they can do a lot, although I’m kind of an old fashioned, “anti-tech” sort of a guy. (Except for medical technology; I’m very thankful for that.) My wife is the “techie” in our house, and I’m glad she is. She made me finally bite the bullet and get a smartphone. When those phones first came out I used to tell people, “I’m still trying to get used to not cranking my car. What am I going to do with one of those thangs?”

Well, enough rambling for now. Looks like a great bunch of folks here, so thanks everyone.
i am a new to Roland and there are a few choices. It is a bit better than average deal but I just picked up a very near brand new used top of the line FR-8x for $3500CDN. Deals are out there, just need to look and ask. Yes it has Free Bass too.

One thing I will say... Even for very computer literate people, this accordion will demand a serious learning curve initially, its quite complex but it does so much. If you get one, get lessons on how to use this accordion, and to get the most out of the sounds, make the small investment of using the user programs done by Richard Noel, you will thank me later as they make using the accordion easier and totally wake it up. This is the way it *should * have come from the factory. :)
Marty said:
Thanks for the nice welcome. Sorry, I should’ve mentioned I’m in rural Northern California, USA. I usually like to add “rural” because otherwise people think of the metropolitan Sacramento and Bay Areas. Since I play piano I was thinking I’d like to learn to play straight off my piano music with the free bass, besides learning to play “the accordion way”, which I’m starting to get a handle on right now. There is so much info on the web, reading and looking at people play is a tremendous help. And you are right Eman, I want to read all the information and check out the links on this forum too, which will take a while.

Mom had an accordion for a while when I was a kid (50 years ago; she taught piano and organ) and I remember her showing me how the bass worked, but I was too young to play it, I couldn’t even see over the top. Now I wish I had taken accordion lessons over the years, instead of all the other instruments I played for a while before moving on to the next one. I’m starting to get that old-timer’s disease of thinking how I’d like to live my life over, differently this time. But at least I can live “differently” from now on.

I’d like to play some classical, some folk, “golden oldies” type stuff from my generation, etc. I read someplace on the web of someone who said during Christmas season they played Christmas music next to the Salvation Army bell ringers in front of stores. The SA liked to have them there because the shoppers gave 3-4 times as much money. I would love to do that, maybe next year after I’m good enough and have a Christmas repertoire.

Jim D, do you mean a digital like a Roland? I thought they were expensive and probably hard to find used. They might be interesting to check out anyway, they can do a lot, although I’m kind of an old fashioned, “anti-tech” sort of a guy. (Except for medical technology; I’m very thankful for that.) My wife is the “techie” in our house, and I’m glad she is. She made me finally bite the bullet and get a smartphone. When those phones first came out I used to tell people, “I’m still trying to get used to not cranking my car. What am I going to do with one of those thangs?”

Well, enough rambling for now. Looks like a great bunch of folks here, so thanks everyone.

Where in Northern California are you? I know it has been a while since you posted but I just say this.
Hello Marty,

A very warm welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading about your progress.

Your mention of the SA struck a chord with me, as I am involved in a number of programmes which benefit pensioners. One such project focuses on dementia sufferers and their carers.

The music I play for pensioner's groups is an eclectic mix of 40's 50's & 60's popular music, with some folk thrown in for good measure. It seems to be well received by one and all, and it is the kind of music I like.

Kind Regards,

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