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I think that the might have been practicing a little ;)

"This is take 57. I really hope I get it this time. I want to post this and go out to eat at that new supper club."
Actually this is a combination of multiple takes, and whether any of the sound we here was produced during the video taking is also doubtful.
When you look carefully at the video you can see in some of the shot transitions the bellows do not start in the position where they ended up in the previous shot. That's a clear sign that this was not just a take like 57 but multiple takes, likely around take 570 rather than just 57 too...
Having said that, I can still enjoy this performance very much. I do not always look this critically at videos.
And this is by far not the worst faked live recording I have seen. In some videos the accordion players even use a different accordion than the one you see in the video. (Yes, I can hear that too...) In this video the sound is just what I'd expect from a Bugari 580/ARS/C (the older generation with 58 notes).
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