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Is 5 nights performing too much?


May 19, 2024
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I recently added 2 more nights at the Edelweiss Biergarten. Pondering over this since after Covid. Talked it over with my wife and made the decision together. The gig is close to home, no setup or moving around and only 2 hours on the additional Wednesday and Thursday. Will be six years at the restaurant, July 24th. Grateful and enjoy entertaining.
As long as it’s okay for you and your wife, go for it. You can reduce your hours or days at any time in the future I would think.
Guess it depends on your goals. Is this a full time job? If so, working 5 days a week is pretty normal. If you also have a day job it could be challenging.
Anything can be perceived as a joy or a weight. Depends on your values and how if fits with the other fronts of your life.
Usually when my first instinct is to feel unmotivated or overwhelmed about a new task/opportunity, I question that first instinct a little bit until I understand more about it. A lot of times (at least for me) that first feeling is just anxiety or not wanting to get out of my comfort zone. In most of those situations I end up reframing the opportunity as a good thing, and truthfully feel into it.