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Jaime saying hi


Active member
Feb 14, 2023
Reaction score
USA, Ilinois
Hello everybody,

It's been a while since I commented here. Last post I made was around October, last year, and I just wanted to share a video of me playing, but that didn't work quite well due to technical issues.

So, I got a new job, I moved from Chicago to Detroit, and it has been kind of harsh, but I am still here. Can't go out to play my accordion. Not many places to go out here to play, especially in winter, so is kinda depressing, but I will deal with it until spring arrives!

I just wanted to say hi. I am still alive and I honestly missed you all.

It is good to be here, playing music and enjoying the best instrument in the world.
I just wanted to say hi. I am still alive and I honestly missed you
Hi Jaime!🙂
Good to hear from you again and share what's been happening for you.
Finding your feet and re-establishing yourself in a new location can be trying and takes some time but you'll get there!🙂👍
Good you're keeping on with your accordion.
Keep in touch!🙂
Hi Jamie,

Just curious about "going out " to play your accordion. How did that work in Chicago? How is this different in Detroit? There must be a lot of social clubs that would be happy to have you play so you might want to explore this avenue. Castiglione Accordions was located in Detroit until the owner died and was one of the largest accordion dealers in the United States so there must still be a number of venues where you can perform. I haven’t lived in that area for many decades, but it had a thriving music scene and surely it's still there in some form.

Good luck and keep us updated. 😀 🪗
Good to hear from you again Jaime! I guess I would have the same questions as Valski. What kind of venue are you looking for? I’m sure, for example, if you just want to play “anywhere” you could do care centers or senior sites. Jams, open mics, or paid gigs? Pray tell! Anyway, good luck out there!
Just curious about "going out " to play your accordion. How did that work in Chicago?

It was decently well, most of the times. I was living in the northern suburbs so, if I could find a good spot where to play, people usually loved it, and I kind of miss that.

Then I went to some parts of downtown after a year of hesitation (I just moved to Chicago in 2021) and reactions were even better, and more fruitful. It was all about finding the right spot where street walk was common and lots of young people walk by. I feel I will definitely return this year around April or so, at least during the weekends.

How is this different in Detroit?

Mostly, is winter, so I don't have much chances to go out. But the main difference is that there are almost no walkable areas here. This is supposed to be a car paradise so, naturally, people are often alienated from themselves and reality. There might be some good spots, but is hard to tell until the weather gets better. I am not really enthusiastic about Detroit, nor Michigan, because of how unfriendly it is for street walking.

There must be a lot of social clubs that would be happy to have you play so you might want to explore this avenue.

There are some, but really haven't tried yet. My thing is mostly being spontaneous so I just go out and see what happens, but it seems everything needs to be planned here and people don't go out otherwise. Not that it was much different than Chicago, but I feel the alienation here is stronger somehow.
Castiglione Accordions was located in Detroit until the owner died and was one of the largest accordion dealers in the United States so there must still be a number of venues where you can perform. I haven’t lived in that area for many decades, but it had a thriving music scene and surely it's still there in some form.

I talked to Joe Recchia trough a telephone call. He told some things about the area, but I remember very well how he said that most of the accordionists here have already passed away due to old age, especially after COVID lockdowns. That feels like a grim omen to me.
Good to hear from you again Jaime! I guess I would have the same questions as Valski. What kind of venue are you looking for? I’m sure, for example, if you just want to play “anywhere” you could do care centers or senior sites. Jams, open mics, or paid gigs? Pray tell! Anyway, good luck out there!

I kind of tried, Tom, but I haven't heard back from any of the places I have been in contact with.

I was, however, asked to leave from one of the nearest malls here, because I needed permission to be there and they were not going to give it to me, haha.

Which is a shame, really. Meet quite a lot of people there and employees were enjoying the music. Just to show how monopolized public spaces are today, I believe.
Chicago has always been a music town

important movers and shakers behind the scenes as well as venues
for bands and big bands too.. many careers were launched after
the visiting band or musician recieved favorable attention in Chicago
and the support of the local critics..

the bus that carried Benny Goodman's band to the famous breakout gig
in California, and the gas money to get it there came from two women..
the singer in the band and..

there was a legendary music loving night life haunting Chi Town Woman
with a pen and the ear of the press..

Detroit is different for sure, and especially today as they have been hard
hit financially and are trying to recover economically as well as find
new paths forward for jobs and manufacturing