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Johanna Juhola Trio - rich harmony

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Been here for ages!
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Apr 30, 2013
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Interested on your thoughts on this.
I think it sounds great and the music is very harmonically rich and varied

ummmm........Johanna Juola Trio........now call me old fashioned .....but unless I am missing something, a trio is three ?! :P..........just a thought ....
aaah perhaps the hair is the third party of the trio......it certainly has a sentience all of its own !
Mmmmm. I also wondered about the trio aspect. :?:

By the way, what is the instrument (if it is an instrument) that she plays at 4:20 into the video clip?
Is that not a ....what I thought used to be called a melodeon....when I was a kid anyway....I just wiki'd it.....melodica......ahh the old memory plays tricks......but it like it has a button keyboard and not a keyboard.....er, keyboard.....methinks....actually you know, looking again I see that the lady is blowing into the back of it,not a melodica as ~I understand it ..........
jarvo said:
Is that not a ....what I thought used to be called a melodeon....when I was a kid anyway....I just wikid it.....melodica......ahh the old memory plays tricks......but it like it has a button keyboard and not a keyboard.....er, keyboard.....methinks....actually you know, looking again I see that the lady is blowing into the back of it,not a melodica as ~I understand it ..........
I remember Malodicas but they were cheap and rather horrible.
This looks quite sophisticated.
yes ...I only saw the long shot ...when I saw the close up I realised that it is not your average doohickey melodica....which as you say, tend to be a bit cheap and cheerful....sorry to anyone who plays one..... :oops: :cry:
I think its called accordina. I have another Johanna Juhola piece in my bookmarks: ones a genuine duo ;)
Excellent, I really like this style and the fun way she approaches the music.

By the way, the mouth blown instrument she was playing on the other clip is called a Marcel Dreux Accordina .
Just working through her site. Has some great sound clips of her work. Very original.

Just go to her site and leave it in the background. Loads of good music.

Still hasnt been to the hairdressers I see ;)
Just downloaded her album Tango Roto Live via iTunes (didnt work via Amazon as you have to live in the US for an mp3 download).
Its great over headphones. Very varied with all sorts of instruments melding with the accordion (particularly the piano).
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