Can you explain the type of music, and the specific name of the instrument ?
AFAIK, this is Estonian popular/folk music. Many of the actual tunes are also found
(under different names, and with different words) in other, nearby Baltic Sea bordering countries, eg Latvia.
The instrument itself is a locally built Estonian popular "folk" harmonica, loosely based on the St Petersburg Armonica, originally built in St Petersburg ( Russia) in the late 1800s/ early 1900s and in widespread use at that time throughout the region (including Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland) and almost de riguer at weddings, funerals, christenings, birthdays and other gatherings.

There's a fairly recent thread on this on the forum)
There's several skilled players and the instrument is quite a centrepiece in some of the Estonian folk music festivals, notably in Lรตรตtspill, Estonia.

There's this:
This video appears to be of a
Latvian/ Estonian collaboration in building such an instrument in Latvia.
The maker's name is "Ieviลa".
And this: